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Warning: Psychotic break, gun violence

"It shouldn't have had to happen this way!"

Carl stood with the gun clutched in shaky hands, pointed right at Kevin's head. A wide grin spread across his face and tears spilled down his cheeks.

"But it did. I can't go back now."

Kevin was frozen. What was there to do except pray that Carl didn't pull the trigger?

"It doesn't have to end like this," Kevin said. "You... There's still hope!"

"Shut it!" Carl yelled. "Not another word, Clayton."

He waved the gun around as he spoke.

"I know what you're thinking. 'Oh, he's finally snapped, and now he's going to kill me just like he killed his own son!'"

He coughed and shook his head.

"Fuck it. I ruin everything, don't I?"

He wasn't even making sense now but he didn't care. He kept speaking.

"Everyone I love dies, Clayton. So surely it's your turn, right?"

He laughed, cackling like a deranged man.

"Carl..." Kevin tried to move closer, only for Carl to shoot the floor in front of him, causing him to lurch back and nearly knock into the dresser.

"I said shut up, god damn it!" Carl barked. "I won't hesitate to fucking kill you, Kevin!"

Kevin felt the hope draining from his body. If he tried to talk him down, Carl would just shoot him. What was he supposed to do?

Carl started pacing. "God, I'm a curse! First my mother, then my wife, and then my own son!" Kevin only listened as Carl rambled.

Then Carl muttered, "Maybe... Maybe the solution isn't to kill you. Maybe I have to kill me."

Kevin's eyes widened as he watched Carl put the gun to his own head, and he couldn't stay still. "NO!"

He sprung into action, lunging forwards and grabbing the wrist that held the gun as he tackled Carl to the ground. The gun went off, the bullet hit the counter, and Kevin wrestled it out of Carl's grasp, throwing it away before he pulled Carl's hands behind his back and pinned them there. Carl struggled against his grip, but Kevin was too strong and Carl eventually gave up.

Then Carl was clinging to Kevin and he was crying. Kevin only held him, letting the younger man let his emotions out in a way that was safe.

He heard sirens in the distance and it dawned on him that the neighbors must have called the police when they heard the gunshots. Relief and guilt washed over him, and Carl must have felt it too because he pulled away and laid idly on the floor until the police arrived.

Carl was taken into custody, and there, he would be put into the psych ward.



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