Chapter 2

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I stormed into Seventh Heaven and saw Johnny sat at his lonesome.

Well it doesn't look like his cheating on me.

He was drunk out of his mind though.

I stood behind him but he didn't realize I was there.

"Tifa baby why don't you love me?"
Johnny cried.


I assume this is what Tifa meant.

He tried to get with her and she rejected him.

I knew the only person being at fault would be him.

I kicked the stool he was sat on causing him to fall to the ground.

"We're done, do yourself a favor and sort your shit out"
I sighed.

"Zaria I'm so sorry did I hurt you?"
Johnny rambled.

"No just severly angered me"
I admitted.

I watched as Johnny apologized before running away.

Such a him thing to do.

"To be honest I don't know why you ever went there"
Tifa stated.

"Me neither but it's whatever, it's not like it was too serious"
I chuckled.

My anger had subsided very fast.

Probably upon realizing how big of a mistake the entire thing was.

An embarrassing mistake.

Tifa made me a drink and passed me it.

"How'd you get out of that elevator?"
Tifa asked.

"Oh you wouldn't believe it, I almost died and now I'm indebted to someone"
I ranted.

"You best believe I want to hear all about it"
Tifa grinned.

"So Rufus Shinra spilt a drink on my dress so I left in an Elevator and Rufus joins me but the elevator comes to a dramatic halt and Rufus begins playing with the floor but behold it's actually a hatch but Rufus sucked at opening it then you called so I answered and the call happened whilst Rufus struggled, turns out I had a pin in my hair which I knew I had but anyways the hatch opens we climb down these dodgy ladders, Rufus goes first and he gets down then when I'm halfway down the elevator creaks and drops, luckily it stops just before my head but there isn't much time so I jumped and Rufus caught me, the end"
I explained.

Tifa looked speechless and on the verge of laughter.

"That sounds like a love story"
Tifa laughed.

"It's nothing of the sort"
I retorted.

"It was terrifying that's what it was"
I sighed.

Tifa ended up letting me stay at Seventh Heaven for the night because she felt it was unsafe for me to walk all the way back up to the plate on my own.

Now I wasn't weak by any means.

I was a very very skilled swordswoman when I actually had swords.

Right now they was not on me.

If I was to fight with my fists it wouldn't be very effective as I wasn't a strong fighter without my swords.

I slept in and woke up to Tifa cooking for the customers who had come in for there breakfast.

I got very strange looks as usual.

Most of the slummers probably was questioning why a Topsider was down here often.

Cold (Rufus Shinra X Fem! OC)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora