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Draco's mind was awhirl when he heard that Harry Potter was on the same train to Hogwarts as him and that they were both supposed to be first-year students. Not to mention, he was certain he had met the famous boy at Madam Malkin's Robes For All Occasions—at least according to the description that was circulating up and down the railway carts.

Messy mop of black hair, round spectacles, brilliant green eyes. Sounded familiar enough. Although Malfoy had added that "brilliant" part to the description himself, since Harry's eyes did seem to shine with their own light in an uncanny sort of way...

He had failed to notice the lightning bolt-shaped scar on his forehead, however, because his messy fringe had been covering it. But he was anxious to get a peek at it—to be that close and see the Dark wizard's handiwork for himself.

With Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle sitting opposite him in the same train compartment, Malfoy roped them in to help brainstorm how he should reintroduce himself.

"No wonder he was so quiet when I was talking to him," Malfoy said, feeling flustered. "If that was really him, I mean. I had assumed he was rushing off to meet his parents somewhere, but his parents are dead, so of course he wouldn't want to just blurt that out all matter-of-fact like that. No wonder he was alone... My parents were off doing some of the shopping for me, so I just assumed it was the same for him. But it's hard to think he was all alone, figuring everything out for himself—which is unacceptable, if you ask me.

"No, indeed. I have decided to become his friend and teach him everything there is to know. If I had known back then, I would've insisted that he stick with me and my parents until we were both done getting all our school supplies."

But then it struck him. "Oh, my parents..." Malfoy scrunched his features into a thoughtful scowl, while Crabbe and Goyle still had yet to say anything. "I forgot that they were forced to work for You-Know-Who..." His rapid-fire speech slowed to its usual stuck-up drawl, but there was a twinge of self-doubt in the cadence of his voice now. "...But that's all water under the bridge now, right? Considering they were under the Dark wizard's curse. The Wizengamot unanimously voted to acquit them, so I don't think there would be any bad blood between them now. Harry Potter is probably more powerful than You-Know-Who was at this point, since he really did survive being killed by him. But no one knows how..." He bit the inside of his cheek while Crabbe and Goyle nodded with their usual agreement. "Perhaps I can convince Harry to explain it. My parents would love to hear how he did it, and—"

Malfoy chewed his bottom lip, trying to work out what all of this could mean, and how he could bring Harry into his circle of friends. He hoped he would be sorted into Slytherin. Then he would have plenty of time to establish a firm relationship.

"We could go find him on the train right now," Goyle said, eager to meet the famous boy as well. "Get to him before anyone else tries to make friends with him—right?"

"Good plan, Goyle." Malfoy nodded. "It wouldn't do if someone else got to him first. Wouldn't want him making friends with the wrong sort of witch or wizard. Not to mention I'm in the market for a new best friend, and he would certainly fit the bill."

Crabbe and Goyle exchanged hesitant glances. Ever since they had been toddlers, they had always assumed Malfoy considered them to be his best friends. But now it seemed that the famous Harry Potter could be a threat, if they didn't make sure he understood his place among their crew.

"When I become friends with him," Malfoy continued, "and after we get to know each other a bit more—I think I might apologize for what my parents did, you know? Not that they need apologizing for, but it might win his trust even more, and maybe he'll share even more personal things about himself to me, which I can use to hopefully get closer, and then maybe—"

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