Sibling Figure

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I have a brother three years younger than me. It's us two kids in my immediate family. I'm the oldest.

I have three friends in my 'friend group'. I'm kind of the mutual friend idk anymore.

Let's call my male friend (M), he has a complicated family life. His oldest sister, a senior is so nice but we are kind of friends. M has several other siblings it's just his older sister I know. She's chill but can be scary.

How do I tell if someone counts me as a friend? I struggle with that.

My friend, A, has an older brother and two younger brothers. She and her older brother don't get along. They are jerks to each other and don't have a great relationship

My friend L has an older brother you might know from my homecoming story. He will be referred to as S. He's a junior like A's brother.

A is an attention seeker. She wants a boyfriend, for everyone to love her, and for people to notice her health problems. She's nice but just tries too hard. She always complains about how she has no 'brother figure' in her life.


Anyway she kept complaining until she had a huge mental breakdown before school started and M, L, and I being trash at giving advice-

(it was a touchy topic about her family money and everything, I usually listen and give advice)

-L finally told her to talk to her brother. S. They talked and whatever and now he's her 'brother figure'. The next day she has another boy wrapped around her finger as her 'brother figure'.

I'm sorry but I get you want people to notice you but like what?! YOU ALL HAVE OLDER SIBLINGS AND I DON'T.

M and I are probably the most mentally unstable so going into high school was the hardest for me as they had their older siblings to help. I have no one while A needs a whole football team of boys just to feel loved.

Hello, I'm struggling and when I try to talk to you three you don't listen and sure I'm friends with upperclassmen but they'd never sit down and help me through my problems while A has like 17 'brothers' or what not, and L and M have older siblings always checking on them and helping.

I'm alone. My parent help a lot but they don't understand high school with this generation.

I love my brother and I'm glad he doesn't have to go through the oldest child pain I have.

I'd love an upperclassman to tell me they will ALWAYS be there for me like my three friends have but It's probably not going to happen. I'm just there when their siblings are around. Just 'their weird annoying friend', nothing more.

Phew, that is my rant for today :)

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