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Wahoo story. Anyways this is the 3rd one I've made. Hope this won't end up as a draft lmfao!!!!

Also this takes place in a fantasy like world

Anyways here are the characters and basic info:
-Uh.. tall and lanky(wow)
-wears a human disguise and is a dragon.

-Mantis-human man
-Short ass mf
-Pink. (Orchid mantis go brrr)
-half-orchid mantis half-praying mantis
-doll repair man
-new acquaintance of Jackie baby

-Basically mimics some stuff
-a literal child
-doll child go boom
-doesn't talk much here 😔

-Evergrande city
-Ghost town/Unnamed ghost town
-Willowisp town

(First Person POV. Jack)

•I was taking one of my daily walks in Evergrande city. It's always night in the region this city is in so the place is always illuminated by lights.

The walk went splendidly, I very much enjoyed it. Although I did accidentally stumbled into a ghost town. I wonder how I got myself into this situation

I walked around the town for a bit, it looked like an urban town. The architecture on the houses looked wonderful, although most of the buildings were broken down and had plants all around the houses. But I could tell this used to be a wonderful town

I was walking for a bit. I've been walking in this town for a total of 18 minutes I suppose. But then I stopped. Something caught my attention

It was an abandoned and broken house just like the other houses in this town, yes, but there was something moving in the garage.

A raccoon or a rat perhaps? Whatever it is I still decided to check it out. I'm not usually the most curious person but.. I don't know, the movement seemed to pique my interest

I walked into garage and noticed it was rather... messy. There were old antiques and other old stuff, including some dolls.

Nothing out of the ordinary, maybe it was just my eyes playing tricks on me. I was about to leave the garage untill I heard something fall from behind me.

I immediately turned around and I was greeted by a... doll? Huh. That wasn't there before. It also had a note stuck to it, I grabbed the note and read it

'to anyone who has seen this doll and is reading this letter. You'are now the owner of this doll. Please take good care of it.


Huh. Well that's new, I looked at the doll and... I don't know. I felt.. conflicted? Maybe. The doll had a dirty beige cloak covering it's entire body with a piece of string wrapping around the neck of the doll to keep the cloak on, the doll also had black hole like eyes that seemed to be drawn on with a marker, a smudge elongated smile on the dolls face. The bottom half of the doll was dirty. I couldn't even see what the actual doll looked like.

I picked up the doll and cradled it with one arm. "Do you have a name small one?" I asked the doll, though I knew there wouldn't be a response. How silly of me

I walked out of the garage and made my way out of the ghost town. This could've been a lovely place...

I sigh and start making my way to my next destination not too far from here;Willowisp town. A cozy town, a perfect place to stay for a long period of time.

Then I realized I didn't have an escort. Oh dear.

I'll have to either go there by foot or go there with sky transport. Huh..

Well, soaring to the skies it is

So, I had to transform into a dragon. Don't worry, the doll's fine. It's kept safe in the big shoulder bag I was carrying around

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