the map

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As I searched the house I found a map written on it "for my queen of Selzerevell Carrolline".. "Carrolline?! That's my mother's name..." I looked around more and found a crown putting the pieces together"I'm a princess?!" I unrolled the map and looked at it

"God this shows where it is.. come on!" I growled"I thought this was all a fantasy.. but it's real?" I come down from the attic and asked my grandmother " Nana.. what's this..." I show her the map and crown " and is Selzerevell real?..." my grandmother looked at in shock

" I think it's time I tell you.." she sat down on the couch inviteing me next to her "your mother was the queen of Selzerevell, she was happy.. she built up her kingdom just for it to come crumbling down.." I was intrigued by this
"This makes me a princess right?" I'd ask her in a worried tone "yes dear very much so.. but Selzerevell is not a safe place.. do not go looking for it" she then took the map
"But Nana!" "No butts Madeleine! That's an order!" She looked at me Sternly " if I hear your looking for it you'll be in trouble young lady!" "You can't stop me from finding MY kingdom!"

I'll update and continue every week hopefully!

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