running out of time

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Captain g.. where have I heard or seen the note "so what is this all about basically?" I handed her the note "oh that thing it's just in case you found the key! I'm Avile!" (A-vi-l-e) she smiled at me "so is there another key?" I ask "I can't tell you silly! You've gotta figure that out yourself!" This is gonna be the death of my I thought the searched again as she just watched "you'know I'm running out of time here" I snarl at her "what if my grandmother finds me? Oh I'm in trouble at least you could help me find this 'key'" "I'd rather not" Avile said giggling at me "that's it I'm leaving! I give up on this hunt!" I go to walk out and a man steps in front of me "Madeleine you have to find out kingdom! Please help" it was a deep voice "fine but who are you" "Captain Gavin" he held out his hand for me to shake.

I hesntly shook his hand "so you knew my mother?" "Indeed now get to looking before I gets dark" I rolled my eyes and kept looking "Ha! I found it!" I unlocked the smaller box it was a small Snow Globe "that's the portal key!" Avile exclaimed "portal key?" I asked confused"Yuh huh it how we travel from world to world! But it's loseing the magic we are running out of time..."

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