the box

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I look down into the box "you've got to be kidding me another box!" I pick up the smaller box and a note dropped ",To: Madeleine, if your reading this your mother gave you the key to this box or she's passed away. Selzerevell is indeed real you have to unlock this smaller box keep up the hunt I hope to see you soon -captin g" "who is this g guy.."there was also some gold in the bigger box that she opened she got up and kept looking for this new key there she heard foot steps so she hid "captain are you sure she'll find Selzerevell?" A young voice asked "yes I do.. I've got faith you need it to. It looked like she's been here the box is open."

Madeleine held her breath waitting until these guys are gone before starting to sherch for another key she felt a tap on her shoulder "GAH!" She yelled and turned around it was a man in a uniform"you must be Madeleine! Father's told me much about you!" "Father?..." "Well captain Gavin or G!"

School holidays are almost over yippe... so it won't be updated alot!

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