Atheist Deities - Chapter 19 - --And So It Keeps Getting Worse.

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The newly created Shini-Deity  cast a defiant gaze toward both ShanX and SoraX, although not fixating on them specifically. Instead, he turned to survey the desolation that he had unleashed. His eyes wandered from one area to another, taking in the aftermath of his actions. After a moment, he redirected his attention to ShanX, his face wearing a stern expression. Tense silence filled the debris for a moment, while on the onlookers, including the dogwalker, stared in dramatic awe. Then, the dogwalker reached into the pocket of his shorts, pulled out his phone, and frantically dialled a number, causing a growing sense of concern among those who observed the unfolding situation. 

As the dogwalker proceeded to use his phone, the ominous Shini-Deity began to advance toward the two Shini-Deities, one slow step at a time, his feet pressing firmly against the underlying stones. ShanX started to quiver, overwhelmed by the escalation situation. He positioned himself, ready to confront the creation he had a hand in bringing to life. Beads of sweat poured from his face, dribbling onto the floor below, until he leaned back as the towering Shini-Deity stood face with him. ShanX bore his teeth, his eyes widening, while the other Shini-Deity regarded him with a deep frown. The towering Shini-Deity clenched his right fist tightly, fingers poised for what appeared to be a imminent attack. Meanwhile, SoraX, struggling to pull himself up from the ground, used the backrest as leverage and the ground as a foothold, pushing his body beyond the limits one could typically bear just moments after an explosion--all in an effort to aid ShanX. It was an admirable attempt, but ultimately futile. SoraX's strength gave away, and he fell forward, narrowly catching himself before hitting the ground.

The created Shini-Deity, in a somewhat unexpected and light-hearted gesture, flicked his hand upward, offering a somewhat comedic peace sign. His eyes widened with a gleeful expression, and he broke into a broad, cheerful smile. With a cliché tone, he greeted ShanX and SoraX in a casual manner, saying, "Yo!". In that moment of the sudden change in demeanour, ShanX's eyes quickly bulged out of their sockets as he leaned back, his teeth flaring. His voice took on a tone of both surprise and bewilderment. SoraX, on the other hand, continued to huff with his haphazard breaths, intently surveying the situation. However, amid the current blares, sirens became increasingly audible, their pitch rising and falling continuously. They emanated from what appeared to be a lime green and blue gingham-colored police vehicle located a few streets away. The car's predominantly white backdrop bore the word 'POLICE' printed prominently across the hood and both sides of the vehicle. 

Speeding up the street, the sirens grew louder, and the tallest Shini-Deity, seemingly oblivious to the desolation of the rubble, pointed over his shoulder and posed a question to his creators, "Did I do that?" SoraX, still panting, responded with a beaten look on his face, "Wh-Are you serious? Of course you did." With screeching tires and tire tracks left behind, the police car came to a sudden halt. As it pulled up, SoraX sighed in exasperation and muttered to himself, "Great, now the cops are getting involved." The driver's door swung open, revealing a male officer who wore a dark grey peaked flat cap adorned with black and white gingham print along the caps border, extending out was a black a visor.

The officer was dressed in a black vested body armour, a long-sleeved dark navy undershirt, black pants, and black brogue shoes--significantly more formal attire than the Shini-Deities. He also wore a face mask, possibly to protect against fumes he might be aware of, and had a pair of handcuffs and a baton secured to his waist. The police figure had a nametag embroidered onto his chest, displaying his name as "Officer L. Silverstone.". Silverstone, standing at five feet seven inches and weighing one hundred and thirty pounds, held his ground, turning his head to survey the environment. After a brief moment, he began to make his way toward the dogwalker. SoraX, sensing the urgency of the situation, threw his hand toward ShanX in a distressing manner, successfully catching the blue-haired Shini-Deity's attention. "Quick! Whatever you do, ShanX, don't mention Shini-Deities to these guys! The cops don't like fantasy stories or fanfics that people read online! Leave this to me!"

ShanX stuttered but quickly agreed by nodding his head. The leather-clad Shini-Deity, however, remained facing away from both the police officer and the dogwalker as the appeared to engage in conversation. The dog sitter then gestured toward the three Shini-Deities, causing Silverstone to soft his focus onto them. His eyes softened as he took in the sight of SoraX, who bore multiple wounds across his figure, ShanX, who still appeared to be facing SoraX, and the unscathed leather-clad Shini-Deity. Silverstone swiftly came to a conclusion, readying his handcuffs and raising his voice to command, "Sir, cease and desist any further actions. Come down here at once," The situation looked dire, and ShanX rushed over to assist SoraX to his feet, wrapping his arm behind the blue-haired Shini-Deity's neck and supporting his back. At long last, SoraX, summoning a small reserve of energy, reached toward the policeman and desperately pleaded to calm the situation, "Officer, please, before you jump to conclusions, we will come down. We are not armed, and I will explain everything!"

Turning to ShanX, SoraX requested his assistance to move closer to the officer. ShanX consented, and they began to lift themselves off the ground. In their synchronized movements, ShanX intentionally initiated flight to approach the officer. However, in the heat of the moment, his actions were not thought through, and he began to hover unintentionally. It wasn't until SoraX pointed it out that ShanX realized what was happening. In quick succession, SoraX pressed his cheek against ShanX's, his eyes wide open, whispering urgently "What are you doing? Don't fly! We don't need to cause any strange situations than we already have!" The two began to wobble together in the air, their attempt at flight turning into an unintentional comedy. Eventually, they descended to their feet in a humorous manner. SoraX shot ShanX a questioning and bewildered look, while the blue-haired Shini-Deity sweated lightly and began to whistle, diverting his attention as if nothing unusual had occurred.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2023 ⏰

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