Part 2

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A week passed and still no sign of Taehyung, he also didn't go to college, the administration lady just said someone phoned in and said he will take an indefinite leave of absence.

Another month and another month, until it was already six months, no sign of Tae, even though Jungkook never stopped looking.

Taehyung left the Daegu hospital with his grandma, he had to stay for 3 days as again he nearly collapsed because of stress and not eating properly, he was almost just skin and bones, but he tried, he really tried. He had trouble eating, just couldn't keep food down and never hungry. His grandma and her friend watched over him 24 hours a day, that started 3 months ago after he almost committed suicide because of the severe depression he was in. His implant was damaged, and he didn't have money now for a new one, which caused his hearing to be worse than before and he was in constant pain. The depression did not go away, but after Chanyeoul helped him to get the implant repaired he tried to get back to living, but it was too hard.

Jungkook did phone Tae's grandma in the first few weeks, but she told him Tae wasn't there and she also never told Tae that Jungkook phoned. She had to protect the fragile boy at all costs. Chanyeoul visited every now and then, trying to convince Tae to go with him to the USA, but Tae didn't want to. He continued his studies remotely by agreement of his college, where only the principal was aware of the situation, everyone else thought he was looking after his sick grandma. He still had ddreams for the future, but they seemed unreachable now.

Walking to Jin's restaurant, Jimin saw someone he recognised, Tae's cousin, Chanyeoul, he met him before. "Chanyeoul!" The other turned around, seeing Jimin. Oh shit, this was not good. "Hey Jimin" "Do you know where Tae is? Please tell me he is ok!" "Yes, I know where he is, he is not doing good, Jimin, he nearly lost his hearing completely that day and he is very depressed." "What?" Chanyeoul sighing "The day Jungkook threw him out, he found out he was a perfect candidate for a new procedure to have his hearing fixed completely, he couldn't wait to tell that fucker, but he threw him against the wall, damaging his implant. Tae had only about 30% hearing after that because the implant got damaged and it was too dangerous to remove it, because the brain tissue got damaged with the hit. He fell into a massive depression, going to lose your hearing and that caused by the person you love the most in the world, being accused of being a slut and whoring around, when you hugged your cousin whom you haven't seen in years. Tae gave up on life, but we are trying still to help him, I still hope when they choose the final candidates for the procedures that Tae's name will be one of the 5. We should know in a week if he was chosen. Jimin, he is so skinny, because he barely eats, so has to go on IV drips every week to make sure he is ok. Tae wanted to end it all 3 months ago, but someone found him in time. All because of that Jeon fucking Jungkook!" Jimin couldn't stop his tears. "Where is he, please tell me" "No, Jimin, he doesn't want to see anybody, and you will tell that bastard and Tae has been through enough. His heart is broken, and his hearing is failing, so please, just leave him be. We will take care of him" "You have no idea how Jungkook regrets, he went looking for him within 15 minutes already, turning Seoul upside down, he has never stopped looking. He is just a shadow now, just studying and sleeping and working, his life controlled by regret. Please, talk to Tae, beg him, please. They belong together, please Chanyeoul" Chanyeoul did not say anything, he cannot promise to do that. He shook his head and walked away, leaving a teary and worried Jimin standing on the pavement.

Running into the restaurant, Jimin saw everyonethere." I saw Chanyeoul, Tae's cousin, the man you saw him hugging thatmorning, HIS COUSIN! Tae is not doing good, he lost too much weight, he is noteating, he tried to commit suicide, he is basically completely deaf, Chanyeouldoesn't want to tell me where Tae is!" Everything in one breath, leaving theothers shocked. "What do you mean, start again!" Jungkook stood up, toweringover Jimin, who took a deep breath. "The morning you threw Tae out he found outhe was a candidate for the new procedure to correct his hearing. When you threwhim out, his head hit the wall, on his implant, it got damaged, he only had 30%hearing left and no money for a new implant, he had some small damage on hisbrain tissue as well. He is not doing good because he has severe depression andis not eating. He has to go on drips every week to keep him safe. Channie knowswhere he is but refuses to tell me. And it is ALL YOUR FAULT JUNGKOOK!" hestarted crying again, immediately being comforted by his boyfriend Yoongi, whoglared at Jungkook, everybody was glaring at him. And he knew, he knew that hispathetic actions would haunt him till the day he dies. He fell down on hisknees, not keeping in the heartbreaking sobs anymore. He caused this, he causedhis love's agony, he could go deaf now, completely deaf, he caused thefriendships to be under strain, he caused all this! Jin stood up and kneltbehind Jungkook, rubbing his back, trying to calm him. "We will find a wayKook, we will find a way". The rest finally understood the guilt Jungkook hadinside him, that was eating him alive, and for the first time, they felt sorryfor their friend. The needed to find a way to help the two, either get closureand live their separate lives, or get them together and start fresh. But theydid not know how, yet.

Can you hear me? - Taekook short storyWhere stories live. Discover now