Part 7

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Over the next week, Tae was getting stronger, although he would have to continue with physical therapy for some time still as his muscles have not worked for a year. But he could finally go home. Jungkook carried him from the car to the door of the apartment, the same door that broke their world apart, but this time, they were together, not on opposite ends. Jungkook helped Tae to walk into the apartment, being met by their friends, welcoming Tae home at last. He slowly walked to the couch, where he sat down, immediately being attacked by Jimin with kisses and hugs. And so, Tae came home, to his love and his heart, his man, after 19 months.

Tae got stronger and even continued with his studies remotely, he had to repeat his 2nd year, but they agreed to combine with his final year as he was getting such high marks. They were very very busy, but Kook and Tae loved every second. And they did talk, about everything and they promised that the past stays there now, they have a future to look forward too.

Jungkook was working as CEO now, as his dad decided he wants to be free to enjoy life rather than be a CEO. Jungkook made sure never to be later than 6 in the evening. His priority will always be his beautiful Tae.

But he was planning something with the help of friends and family. He wanted to make Tae his husband, make him his in every way he could. They have kissed a lot and gave blow jobs and hand jobs but have not taken it further as Jungkook wanted Tae to be healthy and strong first. And finally, after 3 months, the green light from the therapist. Tae was doing well and can continue with his exercises by himself now, as normal exercises to keep his muscles supple and strong. So Jungkook had to ask Tae this weekend. Within two days everything was set with the help of their friends, they have all just been waiting for the green light from the therapist.

"Baby, can we go on a date tonight? To celebrate your green light achievement as well as the amazing project you did for your assignment. 98% is seriously excellent in graphic design. "That will be amazing Koo, thank you. Let me just get dressed quickly and we can go. Casual or fancy?" "Just what you want love, you look amazing in everything" Tae blushed a deep red, but felt so pleased with the compliment. Jungkook knew Tae was a sucker for praise and compliments.

Jungkook whore black jeans, black button shirt and black boots. Tae came out of the room, wearing light blue form fitting jeans, a white satin button shirt and brown boots, looking so beautiful, Jungkook forgot to breathe for a second. He kissed those pink pouty lips until they were both out of breath, Tae's knees going week. He wanted so much more than kissing, but he knew Jungkook wanted to be sure he was strong and healthy, and now he was, and he couldn't wait for Jungkook to push him up against the wall and wreck him so bad that he can't walk for a week. So, he wore his new white lace panties, he pulled up his shirt to "check his belt" but the white lace panties were peeking just over the pants' rim, catching Jungkook's eyes. "Baby, is that....white lace?" Jungkook said while swallowing hard. Tae, being so on purpose, pulled his pants a bit down, exposing more of his body, covered with the white lace "mm, yes, it is one of the new ones a bought, have it in red and black too, and another pair in pink and baby blue. They are comfortable, I could just wear them and nothing else" He heard Jungkook gulp loudly, oh Tae knew exactly what lace did to Jungkook's hormones. Taking his boyfriend's hand, he walked to the door, smiling as he noticed the bulge in the front of the tight black jeans. Jip, he still has got the magic. Jungkook was seriously thinking if staying at home now wasn't best. The only thing that got him out of the house was the wonderful surprise he planned for Tae, and the knowledge that they will come again later, and he will make sure Tae will not walk for a week. Two years since he could make love to his baby, and he needed him so much. He has had enough of cold showers and quick help yourself jobs, he needed to fuck the living daylights out of his baby, and tonight is the night.

When they arrived at the park, Tae was slightly confused, he thought they would have dinner in a restaurant. Jungkook took his hand and stared walking down a path, soon they were met by small candles next to the path, then bigger ones, then petals on the path. Jungkook stopped and picked up a beautiful bouquet of lilies, Tae's favourite flowers. Then taking his hand again, smiling into the brown eyes, they continue walking, then suddenly hands came from the side, each giving Tae another lily, this time red ones, Tae just smiled and walked with Jungkook, neither speaking, but butterflies flew around in their tummies. They came to a fountain, candles floating on the water, petals everywhere in the water. Suddenly soft music started playing and the spray of the fountain moved to the soft beat, small, coloured fairy lights twisted around the fountain, making the water sparkle in different colours. Jungkook took one last lily from next to the fountain, going down on his knee with the beautiful yellow lily in his hand. Tae took the lily with shaking hands. "Kim Taehyung, the love of my life, thank you for choosing me, again and again, I will always choose you, above anything or anybody. Baby, will you marry me? Spend the rest of our lives together? I will show you every second of everyday how much you mean to me, how much I love and treasure you. You are my world" Tae smiled through tears, going onto his own knees, the yellow lily in his hand as he wrapped them round his man's neck. "Yes, Koo, I will marry you, spend forever with you and love you for every second of every day." Jungkook took the diamond ring from the stem of the yellow lily and slowly pushed it onto Tae's ring finger, then kissing the finger and the ring. He kissed Tae's soft pink lips, entering his mouth when he moaned softly into the kiss. Suddenly applause was heard and they broke apart, Tae blushing, Jungkook smirking. All their friends and family were there, the Daegu side as well. They all congratulated the pair, then they all sat down at a long table and ate and drank, Jin arranged all the catering.

They danced, Jungkook holding Tae's smaller body close to his, the boy's face in his neck, arms tightly around his neck. And they were happy. He kissed Tae's lips, sucking and biting, earning a loud moan from Tae's throat. It was time to leave. Saying goodbye to all they left in Jungkooks' car, Jimin smirking at Tae as he left, he knew his friend was going to get fucked into oblivion tonight and he was so happy for him. He now understood the love these two have, nothing could break the bond, not distance, time, or even a coma.


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