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I decided to ignore it and hide, in case it was some animal out on loose. I crouched down but before I could hide myself, my first step towards safety caused a very creaky sound on the candy wrapper under my feet. I was almost shivering in fear thinking about that weird sound that seemed to be coming my way in a hurry. I snapped my head up and waited for the thing to attack me, my eyes shut tight and my hands were stuck on my sides. I almost forgot I had a little knife in my bag for situations like these.

The moment I opened my eyes to see if I was alive, I saw a huge metal rode stuck in the head of- whatever that thing was, I followed the rode and my head turned backwards. I saw Hyun right there behind me, face to face and almost as terrified as me.

"You okay?"

He voiced his concerns, I could only nod at his question as I was still too stuck up on the image of that thing in my head. I was zoned out on the fact that I almost died today, I knew it, I knew I wouldn't be safe in this country.

"Ira, Ira-ssi! Ira-ssi!"

I snapped out at his voice yelling at me to focus, I looked at him, not being able to process what's happening. I could feel my head spinning and soon I got the same blurry vision I had, when I went through a head injury back in India. The last thing I remember is someone holding my body upright and calling for me.


She's cute and cold, yeah, I'm talking  about Ira, the Indian girl in my school. She is... let's say the only foreigner in Daegu Science High, and the only girl I find interesting. The reason I'm fascinated by her is that she's so calm, even in the most nerve wrecking situations.

I just bid farewell to her outside the school and watched her go on her way, I'm always relaxed around her but today, I'm not. I'm having this weird feeling that something's wrong and she's not alright at all, she's been looking depressed all day and didn't even attend the P.E class, which is her favorite. I know she might be missing her country and family, I hope I could help her with the homesickness. I watched her go and when she disappeared from my sight, I went to my own way. It was a stressful day today, really, Mr. Seo even teased me about being around Ira.

I was on my way home, almost there before I heard loud shrieks coming from my street. I went forward and looked into the street to see a few people attacking each other, I was too shocked to process what was happening. I thought they were some gang or robbers but no, they were practically eating each other, god what is that thing?!

I quickly hid behind a car before any of those things could lay an eye on me, I grabbed a metal rod laying uselessly in the corner. It was sharp so I could use it to protect myself and knock that thing out. I heard rushing footsteps coming towards this car, as soon as that thing went past me, I shot up and hit it on the head in the middle. It was soon on the ground with its own blood splattered around. That's when it hit me.

Ira is alone and unarmed, oh fuck!

The thought crossed my mind and I was already running across the streets to go where Ira went, opposite our school. I hope she's okay, please be alive, Ira.


Ok, what should I do now?!!! She's passed out and I don't know her house and staying out here is not at all safe. I guess we'll go to Sara's house, I hope she's okay too, please be at home Sara.

I somehow managed to get Ira on my back and carry the rod at the same time. After making sure she wouldn't fall, I started walking to Sara's house. She lived a little before me, like my house would be on the 8th Street from our school as Sara's is on the 5th. So, that's where I was walking, cautiously and alert of everything around us.

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