chapter 1

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Quackity was sitting in a bar by himself, drinking champagne as he looked through his phone. He sighed as he started feeling a pair of eyes glued onto him. He looked around, a bit nervous on who it could be. He realized no one was really focused on him, either they were just gambling their whole life away or just drinking. Sometimes there would be people even making out in the public bathrooms, which Quackity at this point didn't mind. He'd find them constantly it was to the point where it was something normal at the casino.

He kept on drinking his champagne, before a cat-call from behind interrupted the silence. He turned around to see Wilbur, and groaned as he looked back. " what do you want. " He spoke, not facing Wilbur. Wilbur rolled his eyes, " i can't visit my good old rival? " He laughed. Quackity rolled his eyes, sipping on his champagne. " just leave me alone. i don't want to see you. " Wilbur laughed at what Quackity said. " you are already not seeing me. you're turned back. " He giggled, Quackity rolling his eyes in annoyance. " if you don't mind, you can shut the fuck up. " Wilbur frowned, " do i have to? " Quackity nodded in response, before getting out of his seat from the bar. " do i have to move or will you move away. " He said, his annoyed tone getting a bit more noticeable.

Wilbur scoffed, and walked over to the casino. " w-wait! your not even supposed to be here! " He immediately yelled, but Wilbur didn't listen. Quackity groaned in annoyance, before sitting back on his seat and taking a sip of his champagne. Once he finished his champagne, he placed it on the counter, before receiving a jump-scare from Wilbur. " what the fuck?! you fucking scared me! " He spoke, breathing a bit heavily. Wilbur laughed at Quackity's words. " oh how easy it's to scare you. " Something from the past was that... Quackity and Wilbur used to date.

They used to date back in Pogtopia, which they had a happy relationship. Sadly, Quackity decided to break up and was taken by Schlatt. Who knows if Wilbur still has those feelings all those times. That's how Wilbur knows how to scare Quackity, or from how he phrased it: 'how easy it's to scare you.' It sounds silly, but he knew exactly how to scare Quackity.

Quackity rolled his eyes in annoyance, " shut the fuck up, and leave! you're not even supposed to be here! " He slightly yelled at Wilbur, which made him frown and leave. " goodbye darling! " Wilbur yelled as he left, Quackity's cheeks slightly fill with the color red as Wilbur yelled that. 'darling' was something Wilbur used to call him when they were dating. Quackity shook it off though, and decided to go back home from everything.
He needed a break.

Quackity took his backpack, which he usually carries around for important necessities. He got up and walked out of the casino, heading to his house. [more like mansion LMAOAOAM] As he walked, he noticed someone. 'Is that... Schlatt?' He thought, he immediately speed walked to his house as he was a bit nervous on what Schlatt was planning to do. Schlatt immediately took notice on Quackity and ran after him. " HEY?! COME BACK HERE BITCH! " Schlatt yelled, making Quackity more nervous. He kept on running, but never thought where he would. He then decided to run to a store, which could try and help him.

Quackity got inside of the store, panting. He immediately looked through the aisles, finding the medical aisle. He groaned and ran to that aisle, he looked through the medicines before grabbing a pain reliever one. He ran as fast as he could as he saw Schlatt on his tail, he managed to get to the checkout line and thankfully, someone else was behind Quackity. He sighed in relief as the line shortened. " hey. " A familiar voice spoke out. Quackity turned around and saw Tommy. " wait- Tommy?! hi! "

Tommy smiled and hugged Quackity. " hi Big Q! how's life? " Quackity hugged Tommy back, sighing. " life's terrible. " Quackity pulled away, looking at Tommy. " sorry about that. " Tommy apologized. " it's fine- " A woman's voice interrupted Tommy and Quackity's conversation. " sir! you're next, hurry it up! " Quackity turned around, seeing a bored out cashier. " sorry! talk later Tommy, nice seeing you. " He spoke, putting the pain reliever medication on the counter. " $3.50. " The cashier spoke, Quackity handing them 5 dollars. He receives the change and grabs the medication. He realized Schlatt was still there and ran out of the store.

He looked back to a confused Schlatt, who was looking all around for Quackity. He sighed in relief and ran back to his home. He thankfully didn't have Schlatt behind him and unlocked the door. He immediately opened the door and closed it once he got in. He sighed in relief as he was safe from Schlatt. Then, a knock on his window startled him. He was a bit afraid as the blinds were closed. Quackity then walked up to the window, opening the blinds slightly, just to find Wilbur outside. " WHA- " He groaned, before opening his door. " WHAT THE FUCK WILBUR?! " He yelled, Wilbur rolling his eyes in response. " just wanted to visit you darling~ " " i- how'd you even find me?! "

" i may or may not have followed you here. " Quackity's jaw dropped. [not real] " you've got to be fucking joking. " Quackity spoke, with Wilbur shaking his head as his response. Quackity then sighed, rolling his eyes. " well, you've got your time. you can leave Las Nevadas now. " Wilbur crossed his arms at Quackity's demand. " shut up, i can do whatever i'd like. " Quackity then gave Wilbur a death glare, " do i really need to force you out of this world or will you walk over to your burger van. "

Wilbur stood there, in fear. [LMAOAO] He cleared his throat, " uhhmmm i-i'll just- leave. " He said, before running away. Quackity sighed, as something ran into his mind.

'This man is a maniac.'

'are we really.. rivals..?' - a Las Nevadas Story //  QuackburWhere stories live. Discover now