chapter 4

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[tw// r@pe // skip if uncomfortable]

Quackity immediately knocked on Schlatt's door once it reached 9, and Schlatt answered it. " hello dear. bedroom. now. " Schlatt demanded, Quackity scurrying into Schlatt's bedroom. He looks at Schlatt, who was standing by the door way. " strip. " Quackity immediately had done what Schlatt had told him to, standing there nude. " good boy~ " Schlatt praised, getting in front of Quackity. " sit down. " Schlatt ordered, Quackity immediately doing that.

Schlatt unzipped his pants, along with unbuckling his belt. He took all of it off, including his boxers. He immediately shoved it in Quackity's mouth, making him suck on it. Quackity was sort of taking it all in, gagging a bit as Schlatt forcefully shoved it down his throat. Schlatt gripped on Quackity's hair, pulling on it harshly. Quackity was tearing up a bit, before Schlatt pulled it away from his mouth. " get on the bed. now. "

Quackity followed Schlatt's orders, getting on the bed. Schlatt immediately shoved his dick inside of Quackity's ass, making him moan. Schlatt kept pumping in and out, before Quackity spoke quietly. " p-permission to speak?.. " Schlatt pulled onto Quackity's hair harshly, " absolutely not. " He denied, continuing to pump in and out. Quackity teared up, " p-please! i-im close! " He cried, Schlatt going harder. " did i tell you to speak?! " He pulled on Quackity's hair again.

Quackity shook his head, tearing up quietly. A few minutes passed by, and Quackity shot out- white strings of it dripping from his dick. Even if Quackity was finished, Schlatt still played with him. He kept on pumping in and out, before announcing he was close. It was to the point where Quackity was feeling overstimulated, he felt like he wanted to cry but didn't anyway. At least half an hour passed by before Schlatt stopped, leaving Quackity sit there all played. Quackity sighed and grabbed his clothes, slipping them on.

[end of warning]

Quackity sloppily came back to his home, noticing it was unlocked. 'I could have sworn I locked it in the morning..' He thought, but he probably didn't. He hoped that nobody broke it, but made his way inside of the house. He realized there was a scent filling up the whole living room, deciding whether or not to go to the kitchen. He got so deep in thought someone shook him. He yelped at the sudden shake, before focusing his eyes onto the person. " W-Wilbur?! w-what- what are you doing here?! " " shhh, darling... i'll treat you well, ok? " Quackity went on with it, and dropped himself onto the couch as he watches Wilbur walk away into the kitchen.

A few minutes passed by and Wilbur came back to Quackity, handing him one of his favorite dishes that Wilbur used to make him, chicken and waffles. [bare with me guys i searched up a random dish 😭]

" really? " Quackity slightly teared up a bit, smiling softly. " yes darling, for you. think of it as a- thank you for what you did earlier. " Wilbur smiled back, sitting next to Quackity. " may i?- " Quackity blurted out, slightly covering his mouth. Wilbur looked at Quackity, a bit confused and shocked. " you're asking me? " " s-sorry- it's a habit. " Wilbur nodded, letting him eat.

A few minutes passed and Quackity had finished eating, he gives the dishes to Wilbur as he felt extremely tired. " want me to carry you ducky? " He seemed a bit concerned for Quackity, was the reason why he asked. Quackity softly nodded, a light pink went across his face due to embarrassment. Wilbur picked the smaller male softly, taking him to the large bedroom.

Wilbur placed Quackity onto the bed, covering him with a blanket. " sweet dreams dear. " He softly placed a kiss onto Quackity's forehead before leaving the room. Quackity slightly blushed at the gesture, before falling asleep.


morning at 9 AM.

Quackity woke up softly, stirring a bit on his bed. He yawned and looked at his clock tiredly, the red numbers reading '9:02 AM'. He decided not to go to work today, and softly rested on his bed- before receiving a notification on his phone. He groaned and grabbed his phone from the nightstand, checking the notification. It read: 'Hi ducky!' from a number, which he knew it was Wilbur's. He responded back, saying hi. Quackity then got another message from Wilbur- asking if he didn't wake him up. Quackity slightly smiled, without realizing and answered Wilbur, saying no.

Wilbur texted, saying: 'Good. I just woke up lmao' Quackity sprung up in excitement, responding with: 'can we call??? pleasee?? i love hearing your morning voice' Seems as if Wilbur accepted it as he called Quackity, immediately answering it.

" hii. " Quackity said, his morning voice being a bit noticeable. " good morning ducky. " Wilbur on the other hand, his morning voice was so noticeable- it was deep, which Quackity enjoyed hearing. They spent a few minutes chatting, before Wilbur had to leave. Quackity ended the call, getting up from his bed. He stretched as he let out a yawn, waddling over to his kitchen.

He looked through his refrigerator before realizing- he doesn't have enough food. He groaned as he realized that, taking the milk out and cereal. He poured the cereal, before adding milk afterwards- and to spicy things up, he added a few berries along. He put everything back and started eating. He wandered over to the living room before a knock on his door came. He sighed and walked over to the door, opening it with his free hand. " hi ducky. " " o-oh- hi Wil. " He greeted, taking a bite of his cereal. " eating breakfast without me? " Wilbur said, taking Quackity's spoon and grabbing a bite for himself. " hey! " Quackity giggled, grabbing the spoon back. " you won't get any of this. "

" seriously ducky? not fair! i haven't eaten anything yet! " Wilbur crossed his arms playfully, looking at Quackity. " dooonnnntttt care. " He mumbled, taking bites of his cereal before finishing it. Just as he was about to take the last bite, Wilbur took it, giving Quackity a smirk.

" fuck you. "
" i'd gladly do that. "
" WHAT? "
" you asked for it. "
" go kill yourself. " Quackity mumbled, pushing Wilbur out of his house.
" hard or slow? "
" but you as- "
" shut the fuck up. "
" ok. " Wilbur shrugged, looking at Quackity with a smug smirk. " prep or no prep? "
" SHUT UP. "

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