Chapter 1

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  It was dark. There was nothing. It was like a void had swollen everything, including them. It was slowly to begin to show some faint light. The room was still pitch black but far away there was some light.
  They begun to slowly walk towards the light. The closer they seemed to get to the light the farther away it seemed to go.
  Soon they begun to run. It didn't help. It was still far away.
  They could hear steps behind them. They somehow knew that these steps weren't friendly. The steps felt more like stomping. The ground shooked when the creatures leg hit the ground.
  They begun to sprint but it didn't worked. The steps only got closer and closer each step they run. But you could say it some how worked.
  The light begun to shine more brightly. (But not as bright as you <3 /p) They could almost feel the light but they suddelny felt someone's hand on their shoulder. They couldn't move, it was like they were paralyzed.
  They could feel the creatures breath against their skin. They suddelny heard more steps, but they came from other direction. These steps came from behind that door.
  The mysterious creature breathing stopped. The creature slowly begun to surrender. It slowly backed up untill it was far away to run away.
  They looked up to see who saved them. They couldn't see nothing very much because the light was blinding.(like you <3) But they could see someone behind the door's shadow. The shadow seemed somewhat familiar.
Then they realised who it was.
It was...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2023 ⏰

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