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So many times suga try to talk to jimin..but he always ignore suga.. everyone observe that Jimin try to ignore suga but they don't know why..

*After one week*

Hobie- guy's I'm feeling so bored.. let's hangout after class...

Jin-yeah good idea...

Jk-yuppp i also need some break..

V- Jimin you are coming with us.. right?

Jimin- yeah I'm coming ...

Joonie - see suga just came... we're going to hangout after class are you coming with us?

Suga - yeah I'm...

Jimin- guy's i just remember i have some work to do so I can't come with you guy's... sorry

Jk-but you said yes while ago..

Jimin- yeah but i was forgot about that ..now i just remember so ..bye

Jin-Jimin listen....ahhh why so hurry man..

Joonie - ok then let's go guy's..

*In park*

Jin-i want cotton candy...

Joonie - you wait here I'll bring for you v come wait me

V- ok joonie wait for me ...

Jk - suga hyung why you look so upset?

Hobie- you are missing jimin .. right?

Suga-why i would miss him..you shut up..

Jk-hyung Hobie hyung was kidding why are you making this face...

Hobie- yeah suga i was just kidding..

Jin-ok ok don't fight...but I'm really missing jimin ...

Jk-yeah me too

Joonie - here ur cotton candy guy's..

V- jk take this ...

Jk-thnx v..i go to some rides

Jin-yeah .. roller coaster is good

Jk - no i wanna go to this ride

Jin-no it's look so scary 😨 I'm not going

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Jin-no it's look so scary 😨 I'm not going..

Jk-jin hyung please it's will be fun let's goo

Jin-no no

Hobie-I'm also not going with you jk


V- I'm coming with you jk ..

Jk- really..r u coming with me...

Joonie - ok then you nd v go to this ride ..we are going to roller coaster..

Jk-ok fine .. after ride we will meet here ok

Hobie-yeah ok ..


V- jk you have something on your face

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V- jk you have something on your face...

Jk-what is that?

V- cotton candy lol..u don't know how to eat ...

Jk-i know how to eat ok ..no need to tell me ..* try to remove cotton candy from his face*

V- ok Stop wait I'll do for you *suddenly touch jk lips*

*They looked in to each other eye nd forget about everything .. suddenly a boy shouted behind him ...v pulled his finger from jk lips..they site straight nd got silent for while..then v break the ice and say see City look so beautiful from here ..jk agree with him... after ride they went to that place again there they leave suga nd joojin, hobie*

Hobie- how was your ride guy's

Jk- so good i enjoy so much..

V- I'm hungry let's go to restaurant..

Jin-yeah mee tooo..

*In restaurant *

Jonnie - waiter ...

Waiter- yes sir..give you ur order please

Joonie - 3 pizza .6 plet sushi
6 ice cream..thnx

Waiter- ok sir.ur welcome

Hobie- guy's see that is Jimin right?

Jin- where?

Hobie- there you see black shirt man .. after him.

Jin-oo yeahhh i think he's Jimin..

V- think? I'm so sure he's Jimin..

Jk-but he told us he has some work that's why he didn't come with us but now..

V- wait here guy's I'm going to talk him...

Jin-yeah bring him with you ok...

V- Jimin you are here?you had some work right?

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