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I feel like I should write something here just because.

   "What were you doing?" Zane asked. Cole winced as Pixal rubbed disinfectant on the back of his head. 
   "Skating..." Cole mumbled. "It's isn't that big of a deal, I fall all of the time." He added smiling. Zane and Pixal shared a look. 
   "...Cole," Pixal began, she didn't know how to continue. "Cole, does your body change sometimes?" She asked. Cole froze. 
   "What?" Cole tried to look unconcerned. 
   "Do you turn into a ghost, Cole." Pixal asked firmly. Cole's smiled faded and he stared at his hands. "Cole-?"
   "Yes. I do." His eyes itched. "Does that make me a freak?" He tried to smile as he looked up at Zane but immediately his tears started to pour. Zane hugged him and gently placed his hands on Cole's ears. Cole sniffled into Zane's stomach as Pixal quietly put away the medical equipment. 
   "No. No it doesn't." Zane said comfortingly. "It doesn't." He said again. Cole didn't try to stifle his tears anymore. He cried as Pixal and Zane hugged him gently. They stayed like that for however many minutes before Cole's sobbing became hiccups. 
   "Are you ok?" Pixal asked. Cole rubbed his eyes. 
   "Yeah, I'm sorry, haha..." He smiled weakly. "I'm not thinking right... I'm probably just tired... I'm going to go to bed..." He stood up and shuffled to the door. 
   "Cole. If you ever need anything, just asked." Pixal called after him as the door clicked open. Cole stopped. He turned and smiled. 
   "Thanks." The door snapped shut. 

   Cole flopped onto his bed. What was I even crying for... He sighed. Strangely, he honestly couldn't care less about being half Oni, or if people hated him, if he was ugly, a freak, he didn't really care. He only cried because he wanted people to comfort him. He only showed his 'emotions' because he wanted someone to notice him. 
   "Ugh..." Cole groaned. "What the fuck..." He stood up an immediately nearly fell over. The moon's rays cast beautiful silver streaks across the floor through his window. I don't remember it being this dark before? Eh, maybe I just fell asleep. He leant against his bed post and stumbled to the bathroom using the wall for support. It was eerily quiet. The sound of the bathroom door clicking seemed to echo through a void. He yawned. It was dark. Creepily dark. Cole's eyes seemed to be drawn to the mirror. They widened and he stumbled back. He bumped into something and froze. Tentacles wrapped around his body and one wriggled into his mouth, muffling his cry. Cole couldn't breathe. His eyelids fluttered and he slumped into the fog. The sound of heavy metal boots clinked and jingled as someone materialised from the fog. He was wearing priceless looking armour and his clothes looked fit for royalty. None of his skin was showing. He was wearing a mask but his eyes gleamed purple from small slits and his hair was jet black. A horned crown was placed on his head and a necklace of exorcist beads clinked and clanked as it bounced off his chestplate. He bent down to look at Cole's face. 
   "... He's not much, is he?" The 'someone' said finally. His voice was hansom but he didn't sound much older than twenty. Suddenly, there was the crisp sound of heels on stone and the 'someone' turned his head. Another person had appeared out of the fog. They had the body figure of a woman and long black hair flowed down her back. She was wearing a beautiful dress that opened up at the back to reveal snowy white skin. Her fingers were gloved with metal nails and she too wore a mask where a slit of purple could be seen from her eyes. Her mask however only covered the top half of her face and revealed rosy lips and more pale skin. Her dress was tight around her top half and neck but flowed outwards from her hips. Two tassets [armour that protects the sides of your legs and waist] hung from her waist and her boots were heavily plated and heeled. Her dress split down the side revealing a bare leg. She also had a chain of beads, but they were strung around her waist rather than her neck. That didn't mean she hadn't a necklace. In fact, she had three. Three sparkling necklaces of amethyst jingled and twinkled as she walked closer. Her left hand rested on her hip and her right elbow on her hand as a golden yen tsiang [traditional Chinese smoking pipe] appeared in her right hand. She pressed her lips to it and inhaled deeply. As she pulled her mouth away and blew, lilac smoke spiralled into the air. 
   "He's a cute boy, don't you think?" She said. Her voice was agonisingly beautiful. "Omega? My, you look so sour now." She laughed softly at the purple eyes flashing from the 'someone'. The Omega straightened up and huffed. 
   "Sijiu." He warned. The woman giggled politely. 
   "Don't worry, no one compares to you." She ran her hand down The Omega's chestplate and flicked it. The sound of metal on metal echoed. She laughed again and turned her attention to Cole. The Oni that was holding him with the mist tilted Cole's head up so that Sijiu could see him properly. "Oh, what an ugly scar..." She slid her finger down the green scar on Cole's face and followed it all the way down his neck. Sijiu loosened Cole's gig and carried on sliding her hand down the scar. "It seems that it doesn't stop at his waist either." She said. "He has a well built body, a cute face, I don't see why 'he isn't much'?" Sijiu turned to The Omega. He rolled his eyes. "But still... I don't understand why the Overlord would want such a useless boy though." Sijiu said turning back to Cole. He mmm-ed slightly as she rubbed his chest, feeling his muscle. Sijiu's pale cheeks flushed as she semiconsciously ran her hand down his abs. The Omega cleared his throat threateningly and Sijiu pulled her hand away. "W-well, we should probably go now." She mumbled and loosing all her composure, hurried away flustered. She was swallowed by the back mist and The Omega tried not to break anything but couldn't stop himself from smashing his fist into the mirror. He panted heavily as glass shards rained into the sink and sparkled in the moonlight. 
   The Omega pulled Cole into his arms as he said 'let's go' rather angrily. As the fog was removed from his mouth, Cole could breath properly again and his eyelids flinched as he began to wake up. The Omega waved his hand over Cole's mouth and a gag forced itself down his throat. Cole choked silently and trembled in The Omega's arms until he was out again. Underneath his mask, The Omega's cheeks burned slightly and he felt even angrier. He stepped into the fog, closely followed by the other Oni and then everything was clear. 

   Zane was the first to wake as usual. He would wake at 05:00. Fold his bedding, sweep outside and then wake Master Wu so he could do his morning meditation. At 05:40, Zane would start to make breakfast and then at 06:00 he would wake the other ninja. He always woke Jay first then Kai then Cole then Lloyd. Nya usually woke up by herself and Pixal woke up with Zane so he didn't need to pull them out of bed. He did everything as normal, his routine uninterrupted as usual, until it came to Cole's room. He knocked on the door and after a few seconds he immediately knew something was wrong. There was no shuffling or groan of annoyance that usually followed. Zane opened the door and a foreboding feeling washed over him. 
   "Cole?" He called into the room. Nya was passing and looked at him confused. 
   "What's up?" She asked setting down a basket of laundry. Zane gestured to the oddly cold room. 
   "Cole's not here." He said simply. Nya raised her eyebrow and peeked into the room too. 
   "Cole." She called. "Cole!" She said louder. The bathroom door was slightly ajar and something was shimmering on the floor. Nya and Zane glanced at each other before approaching it cautiously. "Cole?" Nya whisper-shouted as they reached the bathroom door. Zane pushed it open and gasped. He pulled Nya back from the mirror shards. 
   "You didn't stand on any, did you?" He asked. Nya shook her head. 
   "We should tell the others." She and Zane rushed outside and while Zane ran to tell the other ninja, Nya burst into Master Wu's study. "Sensei!" She shouted frantically. Master Wu jumped. 
   "What is it-?"
   "Cole's gone!" She said.

   "WHAT?!" Kai jumped to his feet. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN?" He asked frantically. Zane's eyes hardened. 
   "Kai. Sit down." He said. Kai's eyes blazed. 
   "WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'SIT DOWN'? COLE IS GONE! HOW CAN I JUST 'SIT DOWN'?!" He glared at the table and steam was almost visibly rising off of his body. His hands clenched around the table and it began to sizzled. Nya grabbed her glass as the table began to crackled slightly and dowsed Kai's hand in ice cold water. He jumped and stared at the burnt table. "Sorry..." He said as he threw himself back into his chair and crossed his arms. 
   "Right now, we can only assume that it was the Oni's doing." Master Wu said. He stirred a calming tonic and handed it to Kai. "Drink." Kai reluctantly downed it and his mind immediately relaxed. "Lloyd, seeing as you're the only one who can see them you and another will try to find and infiltrate wherever the Oni are resting. There is one other that I will try to persuade to help us but I cannot say for sure whether he will help us or not." Master Wu added. Jay, Nya and Kai looked confused. 
   "Who's this other person?" Jay asked. Lloyd's eyes darkened and he pouted slightly. 
   "It's my dad, isn't it." Lloyd asked angrily. There was a shocked silence and Master Wu nodded. "Well, if it's for Cole I'll work with him." He hissed. Nya nodded. 
   "Tsk." Kai rolled his eyes. "We can find Cole perfectly without his help." He said. Lloyd silently agreed. 
   "Enough!" Master Wu slammed his hand on the table firmly. "If you are denied help from my brother, you will see how difficult it will be to find your teammate." He said angrily. The ninja fell silent at their Master's disapproval. 
   "We shall begin to prepare for the mission." Zane said. The ninja stood up and bowed, seeing themselves out. Master Wu sighed. Zane looked at him in slightly concern. "Sensei? Are you alright?" He asked. Master Wu sighed. 
   "Honestly, I do not wish to involve my brother in this but you will not succeed without help, and I will not be much help as I cannot see the Oni." Master Wu sighed again. "I will send you with Lloyd." He said. Zane nodded. 
   "I will not let you down, Sensei." He said, cupping his hands before leaving. Master Wu stood up tiredly. 
   "I guess I have to go make a visit." He said. 

Nice. BTW I AM NOT SHIPPING THE OMEGA AND COLE OK T^T I SWEAR. Also justice for the table (╯°□°)╯?!?!?!?!? Poor table... anyway, now some action is happening :D

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