Chapter 20

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I arrived at Stella Patterson's house late in the afternoon. I knocked on the door, and she hesitantly let me in. "Mrs. Patterson, we need to talk about your husband. Why didn't you tell the police he was here most of the day when the Freemans were murdered?"

"I told you they didn't ask."

"I don't believe you. One of the first questions a cop will ask is if you can account for a suspect's whereabouts. What time they left, when did you last see them, and other questions associated with the suspect's location. Even if he weren't a suspect, then they would have asked. So why didn't you tell them?"

"It didn't seem important at the time."

"Didn't seem important? Cops suspect your husband was involved in a murder and you didn't think information that could explain where he was needed to be shared? You'll have to do better than that."

"What does it matter now? The police released him, so they must not think he's a suspect."

"Or maybe they didn't think they had enough evidence to hold him. Maybe they're building a case against him right now. If I didn't know better Mrs. Patterson, I'd say you want them to blame Danny."

"How dare you, Mr. Landon. I hired you to find out if my husband was having an affair, but now I don't need your help. I've found proof on my own about his infidelity."

"What do you mean?"

"I found the package that Sarah gave him. It has a couple of photographs of a woman he met at one of those strongman competitions. He's been in contact with her and met her with Sarah. I have the phone records right here that prove he's been in contact with her. It's all here Mr. Landon."

"Yeah, I know. Danny confessed, but they've only met and talked, nothing physical."

"It doesn't matter. He's a low-life cheat. I've got all I need to know. I'm filing for divorce first thing in the morning."

"Alright, fine, so he's a cheater, but that doesn't explain why you lied to the cops."

"Why do you care? You were supposed to be working for me."

"I told you, I don't want to see an innocent man go to prison for something he didn't do. Plus, I'm not so convinced he isn't telling the truth about many things."

"What are you getting at, Mr. Landon?"

"Just this. Danny says you belittle him and criticize him every chance you get. You try to shift the blame for everything that goes wrong in your life back to him. You make fun, you bully, and you play the victim when he calls you out on it. He also told me that you cut him off sexually years ago. You tease him and then deny him. I'm surprised it's taken him this long to find a way out of this marriage."

"Well, he won't have to look anymore. I'll see to that."

"My last question for you is why? Why go through all this trouble? Why didn't you leave him years ago?"

"Not that it's any of your business, Mr. Landon, but because of the divorce settlement. I can get more from him if I prove he cheated."

"You want to take everything from him. You want to leave him destitute and take sole custody of your children. It's not enough to leave him; you want to control him. You want to decide when he can see his kids, how he spends his money, and how he lives his life. If he's implicated in a murder, it is easier for you to prove that Danny is a danger to you and the kids. You wanted him to know I was following him. You hoped he'd attack me when he found out. You're doing everything you can to prove Danny is a danger, and I almost helped you do it."

"And if you weren't such a poor detective, Mr. Landon, you would have. Now if you'll excuse me, I have paperwork to get ready for my attorney."

"I'll be on my way then. Don't worry; I'll bill you for my work."

I stormed out of the house, slamming the door behind me. Everything Danny told me was true. Leaving the house, I decided that I had to clear Danny's name, and then find a way to undo the damage I'd caused. Checking the time, I knew I had one last stop to make.

A Southern Noir: Deception by Any Other NameUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum