1# The Beginning

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I step out into a destroyed village, smoke and ash float in the air making it hard to breathe properly. 

Where's my mum? I take a small step forward, unable to comprehend what's in front of me. 

Who did this to the village? Where is everyone? Were they all dead? Questions flood to my head. My eyes scan around the broken building looking for movement, for people or even an animal. Ash fills my lunges as I step over rubble making me cough. 

This is hard stuff to breath in. I tug at my shirt and pull it over my mouth and nose.

"HELLO?" I yell, everything is so quiet. I take a few more steps forward.

"IS ANYONE OUT THERE?" My eyes start to water from the smoke making my vision blurred at the edges. I start walking through the rubble of my once peaceful village searching for any signs of life. I feel something warm trickle down the side of my cheek, I swipe at it with my finger and look at it. 

Blood. I walk over to my mums small old, ruined village hospital.

"MUM?" As I look closer, I see a hand hanging out from under a large piece of concrete. My heart stops.

No, no, no, no.

"Mum?" my voice starts to tremor as I walk closer to the hand. I kneel down and start trying to lift the heavy chunk of concrete, but it doesn't budge.

No, no, no! I keep trying until my body hurts even more and my arms start to fail. I look around for anything to help, my mums messenger bag sits beside her hand. Its brown leather with one long strap and a pocket on the front. I pick up the bag and flip the flap open, inside lay a lot of bandages, two pairs of large scissors, one pair of small scissors, small tweezers, three small sticking needles, and a lot of blue stitching string. This must be her medical bag, she always carried it with her in case someone got hurt so she could help them.

"No..." I sob as I sit down beside the hand defeated and sore with her bag in my arms. I grab the hand and hold its cold rough skin. Tears fall down my dirty face along with blood and sweat. everything comes crashing down on me as I hold my mum's hand and cry.

I walk towards the old rickety Warf where all the boats sit in wait for their dead owners to return. I don't think they are I have searched the whole village, and no one survived. 

My poor village, I will avenge you. I hop into one of the closes boats and sail off, away from the disaster that happened at my village.

The huge waves crash against my small boat, throwing it around like a toy in a child's room. Huge white caps smash into my boat making it float with water.

The boats sinking! I pick up a bucket and try to scoop out the water only for more water to wash in. I let out a small cry as I step back and run into the small cabin of the boat. I clutch my mum's medical bag closer to my shaking body.

"Come on, please hold out boat!" I plead. Then everything stops, I look out the window to see what's going on. A HUGE 30-foot wave stands in my view, it looks down at my small boat.

"SHIT!" I feel unbalanced as my small dinky boat goes up a little bit of the huge wave before capsizing making the cabin smash into shards of wood, a large bit of wood hits me on the head as I fall into the dark blue sea, knocking me unconscious.

Word Count: 623 

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