Broke Down - Luke

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"Why now? Why me?" You crossed your arms angrily, stomping down the empty road. You checked your watch quickly, seeing that you'd now been walking for a good forty minuets. "Are you kidding me? I know I passed a gas station here somewhere!" Just as you said that, you saw the corner of a blue sign. With a sigh of relief, you unfolded for arms and started to walk faster to the building. The door made a jingle as you stepped in. The only person, and employee, in the store looked over at you curiously. "Hello." He greeted, looking at you like he'd never seen a human being before in his life. "Yeah, uh, do you have a working phone?" You walked up closer to the counter he stood behind.
"Uh, well, it's not exactly in good condition right now." You closed your eyes, taking in a deep breath. "Thanks anyways." You responded, heading back towards the door.
"Hey, do you want, like, a water or something? You look pretty worn out."
You looked over at him, thinking it through before heading back over to him. "Actually, yeah. That sounds pretty good."
"You can just go get one from one of the coolers. I won't charge you." You smiled and went back, taking the first one you saw and downing half of it.
You headed back to the register to thank him and go on your way again. "Where's your car?" He asked before you got a chance to talk.
"It kinda broke down a little ways from here."
"Yeah? Like a mile?"
"More like a forty minuet walk in the heat." You huffed.
"Oh, my dad's a mechanic and I could help you out if you needed. My car's right out there and I can lock up for a little bit."
"Oh my god, really? That would be amazing! Thank you!"
"Yeah, no problem, let me grab my keys."
He shut the hood of the car and put his hands on his hips. "Should be good. Simple fix, luckily."
"Thank you so much Luke!" You hugged him, feeling aquatinted enough by the car ride over, learning each others names and learning of the others music taste.
"It was no problem, just, uh, if you ever break down here again, just give me a call." He laughed. "I'd need your number for that." "Right." He blushed, jotting his number on your arm, the only available item.

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