Chapter 2: The Bad(ish)

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Hello again, whoever you wonderful readers are! I just wanted to give you guys a fair warning for this chapter, since I don't really ever see this specific plot point used in any OP fanfictions. Towards the end of this chapter, and for the majority of the next, I will be making Yamato basically into a werewolf. I mean, she kinda already is, but I mean the whole " full moon, going savage, won't stop until you're dead or it is" type werewolf. It's nothing groundbreaking, but seeing as this is my first foray into fanfiction in over 3 years, I wanted to dip my toes in, see how it felt. Oh, and also, I made Nami slightly crazy, in a good way! I think...

Yamato stirred from her slumber, the warm rays of the morning sun filtering through the curtains of the Captain's quarters. Stretching lazily, she couldn't help but smile at the thoughtfulness of her captain. Luffy had insisted she take the Captain's quarters since it was the only private room large enough to fit a bed for her. It was a gesture that touched her more than she would've expected, and she was glad that she was lucky enough to find people like the Strawhats to share her dreams with.

With a yawn, she swung her legs out of bed and started her day. As she got dressed, Yamato reflected on the past week, which had been remarkably pleasant. She had been steadily growing closer to Robin, and the more they interaced, the more she appreciated having someone like Robin with whom she could connect. It was a sisterly bond that Yamato had never experienced before, and it filled a void she didn't even know existed.

However, she couldn't help but notice that Nami seemed a bit off lately. The navigator's gaze had been slightly abnormal, and she often caught Nami looking at her with an intensity that was hard to ignore, although never for more than a sec or two. Yamato couldn't quite put her finger on it, but she brushed it off as Nami being preoccupied with her own thoughts.

After getting ready, Yamato made her way to the dining hall, where the crew had gathered for breakfast. She had developed a routine of joining them for meals, relishing in the camaraderie that filled the room, although no matter how hard she tried, she could never wake up in time to arrive with everyone else.. As she entered the mess hall, she couldn't help but chuckle at the lively scene before her.

Nami was currently holding Luffy by his ear, her expression one of irate frustration. It seemed Luffy had devoured half of her breakfast before she even had a chance to touch her plate. Yamato's laughter echoed through the hall, alerting everyone to her presence as she walked over to the scene.

Without hesitation, she plucked Luffy out of Nami's grasp and held him up like an immature toddler, mock scolding him. Luffy's offense was apparent, and his protests were met with amused chuckles from the crew. Silently, she was glad that she had been accepted enough by the crew that everyone, even Luffy himself, was okay with her just picking him up like a small child and scolding him

"Captain, you can't keep eating Nami's food like this! You'll eat us out of house and home!" Yamato scolded, though her tone was lighthearted.

Even Nami, despite her irritation, couldn't help but smile at the sight. She was quite pleased to have another girl aboard the ship, even if she was basically a slightly more mature, extremely tall female Luffy. She chuckled to herself. Yes, those two would make beautiful babies, and she could finally be Auntie Nami like she's always wanted! ( Of course, she would never have kids herself. She just wanted some around to spoil, give life advice, and help make fun of Luffy, and probably Yamato now, when they did something foolish).

The breakfast scene continued with a flurry of activity. Sanji was scolding Zoro for already having downed three bottles of booze before breakfast was even over. The swordsman responded with his usual gruffness, almost offended by the chef's disapproval. This was nothing, barely a sip!

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