The pissed invigilator

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It happened with me, when i was in last year of college, the professors had told the students to prepare their final year projects, as soon as possible, because the projects would be checked in the practical, before the exams starts.

So every student started making their projects, either in groups or solo. There were four project categories, from which the students had to pick one, which want to choose, then they will be evaluated by a external invigilator, who knows about their topics, according to the category of their projects. The students were also told to make a report file regarding their final year projects, which will be checked along-side their projects, by the invigilators. So, after thinking too much, i chose  the software category, i didn't knew what type of sh*t was waiting for me in the future, so i started making the project, i tried and tried & finally chose a code that displays, the keys pressed and can also move the mouse pointer to a specific location on the screen, by using x and y axis coordinates as the input by the user in python. Before going to the show the code to the invigilator, i ran the code for my confirmation & it worked perfectly, without any errors. You can say bad luck or my karma, the invigilator i was assigned to was, what i didn't expected. He had a look on his face that he was made to evaluate the projects forcefully. He was made sat in lab in college, where the internet didn't worked. Students were a little bit hesitant to display the project, but he called them again & again, in a turn of unfortunate series, i was asked to present the code first, lol i had to do it. Then the evaluation began, he asked me and my team-mate about what we have made,  i told him that we  have made a code in python that can record the keys that are being pressed on the keyboard & can also put mouse pointer to a specific part of screen by using x & y axis co-ordinates as the input by the user. So i asked him-"Sir can i run the code?" & he said "yes, present it to me". The code which was running fine before the evaluation was working fine, didn't worked by even trying two times. He told me to leave it.Then he began asking questions about it, i wasn't able to answer some of them so the teacher standing behind him told me simply to see the code & answer, i think it also pissed him off. Then he asked about the code, i  told him that the code is done by me, but i just merged the code, with the help of chatGPT, just by hearing the name, he was kinda pissed off, he didn't listened to me fully, just told me to go, & told the next one to come & present. Then i came home & the  day was passing just like normal, until, one of my friend called me, & you can guess, the sh*t started to happen. He told me that some guy in my class was abusing me for something, but i didn't knew what it was. So, i asked my friend to explain me what happened, then he told me that-" the invigilator had told one of my my professors, that i told him(the invigilator) the name of the students, that copied their project from the internet." I was in a utter shock, i didn't even met the professor after my presentation, i just went to my home with one of my class-mate, who travels with me in metro  till a certain metro station, then  we part ways. Then i recieved call from one of my other classmate, who told me the same thing & i asked him to pass the contact number of the other guy, who was blaming me, then i talked to him, he told me the thing thar the first guy told me & he also added-"the invigilator told someone, that he'll fail the groups, who came after me".

Then i called one my professor, who helps me in my need, then he told me that -" i met him after the presentation & told him the name of the students, who had copied there projects from the internet", then i told him-"sir first of all i didn't met that man after the presentation of the project & second i just went straight to home, one of my classmate was with me, you can confirm". Then he said-"but the invigilator is blaming you". Then after this i also called another professor to inform him about this sh*t. He assured me to not worry anymore, the other professor  & he will take care.

Then after this i called my H.O.D.(head of department), to to tell him about the mess, i was involved in, he told me not to worry, then i let my father talk with the professor, whom i called before, then he explained what was going on, then i waited till the result arrived, & guess what, i passed that with good marks, all thanks to my professors & HOD.

If i wouldn't have passed, i would surely  have given that invigilator a hard time, he would regretted, that due to his lies, i failed that.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2023 ⏰

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