Chapter 29 -An Idea-

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I look at the TV in shock.

Scaramouche wasn't the one that killed Heizou...? I blamed him for nothing...?

"Oh wow... I guess it was those two... I swear I've seen them somewhere." I hear Scaramouche say from somewhere behind me.

I immediately turn around and look at Scaramouche in surprise. "You were here the entire time...?" I ask him with a bit of disbelief as he looks down at me with a small and almost unnoticeable smile.

"Mhm..." Scara nods slightly as he crosses his arms. "See? It wasn't me." He says smugly.

I crack a small smile before sighing, getting up and walking up to him. "Right... I'm sorry..." I says softly as I wrap my arms around Scara's waist.

"No... it's fine... Can't blame you though... I did sound and act quite suspicious." He says before pulling me closer and clinging onto me.

I lean down and plant a gentle kiss on his forehead before a thought enters my head.

"Wait... Didn't the news lady say that those two people killed Heizou because he betrayed their group or something along those lines...?" I ask and Scara's eyes immediately widen.

He stays silent for a bit before speaking. "You're right... So that means that Heizou was a part of the research and experimental process on all mystical creatures?"

I think about it for a bit before nodding.

"He did have an entire map of the underground facility where you were placed... that's how we found you so quickly... and he also had a list of names and yours was on it with the title 'targets'... how did I not spot all of the obvious hints?!" I say in disbelief. "Wow... I really must have been too distracted in finding you to even think about it."

I see Scara smirk. "Oh?"

My cheeks slightly heat up and I immediately can guess that I'm blushing. "Oh shut up..." I mumble.

Scara chuckles in amusement as he looks away from me and takes a deep breath.

"You know? All of this stuff happening distracted us from the main goal... which was to get me into 6reeze." Scara says softly as he glances up at me and smiles after seeing my slightly shocked face.

"Right..." I pause. "I completely forgot about that..."

After a few moments I speak again. "But I don't think you would want to work with the others... and I don't think they would want to work with you." I say and Scara sighs.

He nods slightly and looks up at me. "Yeah. No thanks." He says and I smile softly as I completely expected that response.

"Thought so." I pause for a second. "Do you still want to be a singer?" I ask.

I can see Scara think for a moment before he nods. "Yeah kinda..." He mutters.

"Maybe we can come up with something that'll work?" I tilt my head and look at Scaramouche curiously.

Scara looks up at me and puckers his lips as he thinks. "Like what?" He finally asks.

"No idea..." I mumble. "Maybe we can like... convince the others to let you play a part in the band...?" I ask and Scara immediately shakes his head.

"No." He quickly says. "Absolutely not. Nuh-uh. Nope. Nah." He crosses his arms and I laugh softly.

"Yeah... I don't know why I even suggested that." I state and Scara nods.

Scara rolls his eyes and turns his head away from me. "Exactly. I'm not working with those idiots. They said boys can't sing and that I don't have any chances in the singing industry." He says sternly.

I sigh and gently caress his hair. "Sorry..." I whisper

Scaramouche takes a deep breath before looking at me. "It's fine... but I really don't like those 4... they're mean... bullies." Scara whines and buries his face into my chest.

I chuckle and continue to caress his hair as I tried to think of more ideas.

"How about joining another popular band? Maybe they'll be nice enough to let you join?" I ask Scara and he shakes his head.

"No..." He says as he pouts. "I don't like being a side character in groups or bands... I wanna be a leader or something!"

I nod, completely understanding him. "Okay... you want to be a leader, but you want to be in a group?" I pause. "Maybe join a group who recently lost their leader or main singer?" I ask once more.

Scara shakes his head once more. "It's not a bad idea but it just seems wrong..." He mumbles.

I spend a few minutes trying to come up with something else but after a bit, I give up.

"Sorry Scara... I can't come up with anything..." I whisper.

Scaramouche sighs and looks up at me sadly. "Are you sure...? There has to be something..."

I take another minute to think of something but nothing comes. "Nothing..." I say. "But maybe something will come up later today?" I smile and Scara nods.

"True..." He says softly as he buries his face back into my chest. "It's fine if you come up with nothing..." He mumbles sadly and I start to feel bad.

"Sorry..." I repeat to Scara as I hug him tightly to show him how sorry I am.

But then, an Idea comes into my head and I smile brightly as I pull away.

"I have an Idea."


I'm sorry for not posting recently guys but I got tied up in school and all of my motivation for this story just disappeared... but I'm back!

This is probably one of the last chapters I'll be writing for this story so that's why it took me a while to come up with what to write, but I finally came up with something.

Anyways. Last thing I'm going to say for this...

I promise that the next chapter will be written sometime this week because I planned the next chapter a few months back... somehow...

But yeah! Hope ya'll enjoyed!

Words: 1002

~His Voice is a Melody~ {Kazuscara}Where stories live. Discover now