Episode 41: A Day At The Aquarium

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The kids all yawned and Hop-pop said "Oh boy" as they walked to King Andrias, behind them a newt guard handed Lady Olivia a wipe for her face, which she yanked with an upset expression

"Wonderful to see you all again." King Andrias greeted

"Your Majesty." Hop-pop greeted respectfully

"'Sup, King?" Polly replied

"So ask me if I found out anything about the box." King Andrias requested as he was bouncing on his feet

"So did you-" Pika mumbled tiredly, but was cut off

"Bingo!" King Andrias yelled as he got up close, causing the Plantars to fall over and Pika to jolt, more awake than earlier "Ta-da! Take a gander." Andrias said as he revealed a giant book, opened on a page about the box

The Plantars all gasped as they saw the images in the book "It's the music box!" Sprig points out

"According to this book, it's a magical artifact that is thousands of years old. Apparently, my ancestors used it to visit entirely different worlds. They were peaceful explorers, scientists, if you will. These three stones are the key to getting it working again. They need to be recharged." Andrias explained.

"How?" Pika questioned, the lack of sleep getting at them again as they blinked tiredly at the king

"The book mentions three different temples, each channelling a different kind of energy. And once the stones are recharged..." King Andrias began explaining

"We'll get a way back home." Pika finished

"Steal my thunder, why don't you? But yes! Boom! Eh, eh?" King Andrias replied as he flipped the page backwards and forwards to compare the uncharged and charged box

"Cool. A real chance to get home." Pika said as they yawned

"Yeah! A way home! Let's go and get all of those temples!" Em cheered

"Yay" Pika tiredly cheered, their expression was a bit sour

"Whoa-ho. Let's rein those snails in for a sec. The book only gives the location of one temple. Besides, you still have a lot of preparing to do before you set off." Andrias interrupted the cheer

"True! We are gonna have to prepare!! We will need to get armour, weapons!

"Few days, huh? Well, I hate to say it, but we really need to get back to Wartwood. The harvest is coming up and we can't miss it." Hop-pop informed the others

"Hm.... I'll head back to Wartwood with these frogs and once you're prepared we can meet up. Sounds good?" Pika asked

"Woah! Put those horses back into their stables piki biki!" Em exclaimed, "it doesn't make too much sense to go back now" she told Pika as she crossed her arms

"Huh?" Pika questioned: Say what now?

"What?" The Plantars all said

"The last thing I need is us getting septated again! I do not need more emotional damage." Em said, " I spent way too many nights crying." She muttered under her breath, before shaking her head to snap out of it

"True... but I need to go to Wartwood to get the music box. Right, H.P.?" Pika points out

"Technically, yes." Hop-pop agrees

"But don't worry! We can sent a good old newt to be sent down to pick up the box after H.P gets it back!" Em smiled, glancing down to hop pop

"Yeah, but..." Pika muttered

"Well... Pika, think about it, we gotta follow what we think for now, we gotta get back home, imagine how our parents or families are thinking? What if we get septated again? It would take longer to get home... why don't you take the day to... maybe say goodbye?" Em suggested softly, putting a hand on Pika's back as she smiled

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