Episode 43: Return to Wartwood

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Hop-Pop inhales "Ah, how I miss the swamp air. The aroma of grass, a whisper of manure, and just a pinch of humidity. Do you feel that humidity, Pika?" Hop-pop sighed

Pika was struggling as they removed their hoodie while trying not to hit Hop-pop "Forgot how humid it is-" They muttered

Polly pops out from Pika's hoodie, surprising the human "I see it! I see it! I can see Wartwood!" she states, Sprig hopped down and gasped as he saw Wartwood again

he then starts to play his fiddle and sing "♪ Wartwood, O mighty Wartwood ♪, ♪ I sing to thee Our noble history ♪, ♪ A newt told a toad... ♪"

Mrs Croaker was outside walking Archie as she heard Sprig's voice "Hey, I know that irritating voice." She uttered

"♪ But don't let them escape poverty ♪" Sprig continued singing as the Plantars and Pika got closer

Mrs. Croaker used her tongue to hit a bell and she called out "The Plantars are back! Get out here, everyone! It's the Plantars!

Once the Plantars entered Wartwood the town surrounded them as Hop-pop hopped off "Heya, folks!"

Sylvia hugged Hop-pop tightly "Hoppy!" She said

"Sylvia!" Hop-pop replied

"Come here, city boy!" Sylvia said as she let go of Hop-pop and they properly hugged

Pika hopped down with a yelp as Loggle asked "Any luck finding a way back to your world, Pika?"

"Nah, but we're carving closer to the answer whittle by whittle" Pika answered making 2 wood puns in one

Loggle chuckles with a blush "That wood reference was for me." he told a nearby civilian

"Well, if it isn't the Plantars! Buba-dee buba-dee bup." Wally said as he walked up to Pika "Haven't seen you lot for a long time. Uh, definitely didn't see you on your trip." He said trying to act like he hasn't seen them in a few weeks

"Whatever you say, 'Walliam.'" Polly said causing Wally to clear his throat and walk away

Sprig scanned the crowd and hopped down to Felicia "Uh, hey, Felicia. Where's Ivy?" He asked

"Oh, she said she had something more important to do." Felicia answered

"More important?" Sprig replied feeling very hurt

"Something about an..." Felicia was about to finish her sentence but got interrupted by the frog next to her removed it's skin to reveal Ivy

"Ambush!" Ivy yelled as she tackles Sprig

"Uh... hi?" Sprig greeted

"Hey, you." Ivy replied

Pika snickered as they took a photo of the two as the crowd awwed "Isn't it cute?" A frog said talking about the young love

Then Toadie could be heard saying "ow" as Toadstool hit him with his cane

"sounds like metal hitting metal- is Toadie ok?" Pika muttered concerned for the small frog

"Just simmer down now! Come on, simmer down. Market stops for no one. Y'all can welcome back the Plantars after business hours." Toadstool told the town

"Oh! How about we all meet at my restaurant tonight? Have a town dinner for the Plantars." Stumpy suggested

"We're in. I can't wait for some authentic swamp cooking!" Hop-pop told Stumpy

"And I can't wait for that Newtopian coral hand fitment. Thanks for pickin' it up for me." Stumpy replied as he pulled out a piece of paper with a coral hand

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