bunny boi part 2

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Eddie's pov:

As I set my phone down to focus on the road, I couldn't help but think about those damn pictures of Steve. He looked ethereal, of course he looked hot as fuck, obviously, but he just looked so in his element.

He could do this as a living, he just draws people in with his looks. His personality is something that people should earn to know, his kind eyes and soft smiles should be paid for to view. His caring, attentive, and kind self should only be known to those who are deserving, most days I'm not even sure I'm deserving of knowing him. If Steve heard me say that he'd slap me upside the head, he doesn't think he's special, but we know he is.

Dustin, Lucas, and even Mike look at him like he hung the sun itself. A true hero in his eyes.

Max sees him as the big brother she never really had, and fuckin Billy will never count.

Will and Ellie see him as the one they don't have to be responsible for. The powers mean nothing to Steve, he still protects them from anything.

And little Erica sees him as the example of how she wants to be treated by all, and equal. Even though she's the youngest he doesn't talk to her like she's unintelligent, she talks to her like he does anyone else, and even if she doesn't understand something he explains it without making her feel stupid. He does that for everyone really.

Nancy, Johnathan, and Argyle all see him as the protector of the group.

Gareth, Pete, and Jeff see him as the badass monster fighter he is, unmovable.

Hopper sees him as the only responsible one.

Joyce and Claudia see him as the son who protects his younger siblings.

Robin, that's her dingus. Say a single bad thing about him and she will rip your throat out. Look at him with disgust or judgement she'll pluck your eyes out. They went through one of the most haunting things I've ever heard. Steve was tortured, they were both drugged, and other things they won't even repeat. Robin is Steve's soulmate, platonic with a capital P, but still they're soulmates.

Finally, me. How do I see Steve? He's all of those things, he's a hero, a badass, a good brother, friend, protector. He's bitchy, but in a way that melts your heart and makes your brain fire in just the right way. He'll pick himself apart and build you up in the same sentence. He's a sweetheart, he's a bitch, he's everything I hope for, everything I dream about. He's not perfect and that's what makes him perfect. He'd take a bullet for you if he thinks you're worth it, even if he wouldn't survive he'd do it. Without a second though.

Not even realizing it I pull into his driveway, wow, muscle memory is real. I park my van and step out walking towards the door with a little pep in my step. Already in my swim trunks, yes I have actual swim trunks now, provided by Steve Harrington himself. Steve's like loaded now, after Hopper threatened to send both his parents to prison for abuse and attempted murder they gave Steve the house, and most of their money had to be handed over to Steve from the lawsuit threat.

Walking in the house I hear soft humming coming from the kitchen, creeping forward I peek in seeing Steve. Ah he's baking again. I don't know what it is but it smells divine. I lean on the entryway of the kitchen just watching him, of course he's in his cute little red swim shorts and his apron. God, he's too cute. I smile to myself and knock on the entryway to make myself known.

Wipping his head around he gives me a big smile. "Hey Ed's! When did you get here?" He leans on the counter towards me resting his head on his hand.

"Oh, I just got here. Anyways what ya makin sweetheart?" He smiles wide and gesters me over.

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