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"hello!" Megumi entered the changing room. "Hey Megumi. You're early again" Gato crossed his arms and leaned on door frame. "I don't wanna be late to my part time job that's all" Megumi started changing to his work clothes. "And that's exactly why you're my favorite worker here. I'll go now so you can have some privacy while changing" he smiled a little and walked away after closing the door.

Megumi changed and came out. "Anything you need help with?" Geto looks around the coffee shop. "Can you go get the order from that couples table? I'm in the middle of doing the dishes so I can't" Megumi took a pen and something to take notes down on. "I'll be right back" Megumi went over to the couple and took their order. He came back to the counter and started preparing their order.

"So what were you doing over at Gojos house yesterday" Megumi asked while cutting the cake. "W-what do you mean?" Geto coughed out. "Well I was staying over at his house and saw you come and then leave in about two or three hours" Megumi put a pice of cake on a plate. "Well at least yall could be less loud next time. Anyways I gotta go deliver this this order"

Megumi walked over to the couples table and placed down their order before returning. "Or at least inform me before so I can leave or something" "It's not like I knew you were there. Gojo said he's alone it's not my foult you should talk to him about that" "they why don't the two of you just fuck at your house?" Geto sighs. "well Gojo usually passes out or something and I would need to drive him back home while he's passed out and once a police stopped us in a situation like this and tought I was trying to kidnap him. So that's the easiest way" "no need to go in details please!" Megumi blushes a little and continues on his work.

It's about time Megumis shift is over. He starts cleaning up the counters and doing all the dishes. "no need to overdo yourself Megumi" Geto approaches him from behind and lean over his shoulder to look at how much he has left. "I'm not overdoing it. It my job to do this" "yeah but still your shift is over already. And Gojo is already waiting for you"

"He's here already?" "Mhm~ just arrived about ten minutes ago. So wash your hand and let me do the rest" Geto backs of a little to give Megumi more space. Megumi washed his hands and went back to the dressing room. Geto washed the rest of the dishes and joined him in the changing room getting ready to leave as well. "you're closing up already?" "Mhm I have something to get done so I closed early. I put up a sign about it yesterday didn't you see it?" "I probably didn't pay much attention to it"

They both finished getting out of the work clothes and into regular clothes. "You look kinda fancy dress today. What's the special occasion?" "ou didn't Satoru tell you?" Megumi looked confused. "em no?" "well we're dropping off at your home so you can get dressed up as well and then going out on a dinner" Geto said in a cheerful voice. He then started hummung some song and waiting for Megumi to leave the room so he can lock up.

"But what are we going to the dinner for?" "Well Satoru wanted to celebrate your birthday since he couldn't find any free time in his schedule before" "ou.... Right I almost forgot. Not to be rude or anything but why are you joining us?" "He invited me since I'm your so called boss and he said only the two of you often get into small fights so he would like for me to be there to prevent that and have a good birthday dinner with you......ou and me"

"well that kinda makes sense. But I still know he invited you cuz you two have something going on. If he personally didn't know you like he does now there is no way he would invite my boss" "Yeah you're right about that. But I just can't say no to him. He's my weak spot and he knows that. He's also using that pretty well"

"Must suck to be you then" Geto locks the door and checks if its locked properly. "Nah I get his ass in return~" Geto smiles like an idiot while looking at Megumi. "I TOLD YOU TO STOP THAT CRAP ALREADY!" Megumi starts hitting Geto in the stomach.

"Hey! What's going on?" Satoru dashed down the back alley seeing the other two. "Ugh nothing" Megumi said annoyed "let's just go already before you two fuck each other in this alley" Megumi started walking away from the other two and to the car. "What the hell did you tell him?!" Gojo whisper yelled. "Just the truth about me fucking your ass. No big deal" Geto put his hand around Gojos waist and started walking to the car as well. "our relationship was supposed to be a secret you idiot!" Gojo whisper yelled again. "I'm a teacher and he's my student do you have zero respect for me?" "No I just want him to know you're mine. And mine only"

"Will you two hurry up? It's getting kinda cold!" "Yeah yeah" They came over to the car and Gojo unlocked it. He went towards the drivers seat but Geto blocked his way. "I'm gonna be driving today. Hand me the keys" Gojo didn't try to hesitate and hand the keys over. Geto opened the door on the passengers side and waited for Gojo to go in before closing it. Then he opened the door for Megumi as well.

"I can open the door by myself you know? But thanks" Megumi sat in the car and Geto closed the door walked over to the drivers door and got in the car himself. They drove over to Megumi house. "I'll be right back so don't do anything stupid" Megumi rushed over to the front door and went inside. He made his way over to his room and picked out a fancy but not too much outfit. He got undressed himself put some deodorant on and got the clothes on. He then took his favorite perfume and sprayed it once on his collar.

He fixed his hair took his phone and went back over to the front door. He locked the door and went back inside the car. He opened the door and both Gojo and Geto jumped in surprise. "Can't you two keep hands off of each other for five minutes while being alone?" "But that teacher of your has such kissable lips~" "Stop this or I swear I'll chop your dick off!" "But you love it to much when I-" Gojo slammed his hand over Getos mouth. "We can go now" he said before Geto could say another word.

Fanart on top of the chapter is not mine the credits go to it's creator who I sadly don't know who it is.

First chapter is done. Just to clear things out Geto is Alpha and Gojo is a Beta (he's to much of an Alpha for me to make him a omega so he's a Beta).

I hope yall will like this story just as much as I do so far.

Author-Chan <3

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