Best Friend (No More)

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Sometimes, it's impossible to believe that it all crumbled.

That it fell. That you're gone. And you're never coming back.

Sometimes, it's impossible to believe that things could change so quickly.

That you could push me to the side like I'm nothing.

Sometimes, it's impossible to believe that we were once so strong.

That we were once inseparable and the best of friends.

But like all good things, it came to an end.

Losing you really hurt like hell,

I never thought that the person I once knew so well

Could go through so many changes and fall under a spell

To push me to the side; to watch me as I fell

Down to my breaking point, slowly but surely

Reaching a point where things seemed dark

And dreary, and otherwise weary.

They say it's for the best, that we go our separate ways

But it just seems like only yesterday

We were the best of friends, but knowing that today

We aren't. We've met new people, we've joined new crowds

You're lost in the halls, as I'm lost in the clouds

With someone who will always be there until the end.

And never again will I be able to call you my best friend.


Ah, just another sappy poem. (I write a lot of sappy poems, to be honest.) This one is about how I sort of felt after losing my best friend. (He didn't die, he just changed... badly.) It was a painful time for me, but I've gotten through it. I still think about it every once in a while, and there will probably be more poems about this in the future.

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