The Dark Days

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The dark days of the past
The days I knew would always last
Scarring words and an aching heart
My whole world quickly falling apart
No one there to walk beside me
While slowly becoming my own enemy.

Sometimes I wish to catch a break
But I keep on feeling this tough heartache
A cycle that goes round and round
With the stronger part of me that can't be found
I'll never know how to feel okay
Because I'm stuck repeating yesterday.

The dark days of today
The days I hope will fade away
Burning bridges with the ones I love
While one is sent to the heaven above
Hurting everyone that crosses through my path
All because of my angry wrath.

Sometimes I pray that I'll be okay
But I thought I would be yesterday
Crying myself to sleep each night
Hoping that the next day I'll be alright
I'll never live a totally happy life
Because of suffering through this strife.

The dark days of tomorrow
The days I know I'll be in sorrow
Alone and lost is what I'll be
Having no one standing next to me
This new normal is what I'll face
In this world that's such a dark, dark place.

Sometimes I think it'll go away
But I'm the exact same person as yesterday
I try and try to live and laugh
To break away from the same old path
Tomorrow I know that I won't be okay
Because of the life I live in these dark days.


I wrote this poem a while ago but never bothered to post it. It was unfinished when I found it, so I recently just finished it up and added a few touches. At the time of writing this poem, I wasn't in the best state of mind, but I promise you guys that I'm now feeling much better.

I'm happy again. 😊

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