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Lunch break

I found myself in the canteen surrounded by a notably larger group of people, mostly girls. Earlier in class, they shot me murderous looks for talking to ✨Ares Warner✨ Greek God 🤌🏻

Just thinking about him makes me want to vomit. What do they see in him?
He has brown hair and green eyes and looks like every other boy in our school.

Girl 1: "So what is he like?"

Girl 2: "He probably looks even better up close!"

Girls 3: "I wonder what he's like in bed!"

I'm sick of it.

"He's just an asshole like any other guy"

I said indifferently, taking a bite of the burrito which made all the squeals and voices disappear for a moment.

Girl 2: "Come on, don't say that!"

Girl 4: "He's gorgeous, have you seen his muscles?!"

I shrugged as they turned away from me and started talking about a Greek God they would love to fuck.

"Hey baby, how's it going?"

The only guy I don't dislike.

"Hey Chris, you just saved me from loneliness because the Greek God takes care of other bitches"

"Haha, so he's in your class? Every girl in my class is talking about him"

This is Chris, my friend for 2 years.
He is gay and single, just like me he has bad luck with men.

"I won't lie, I'll just admit, he's a hottie"

Chris said, pointing to Ares sitting on the table with a lot of half-undressed girls around him.

I looked at him while chewing a piece of burrito, making a sour face.

He must have felt my gaze because he looked at me, winked, and then stuck his tongue into some girl's mouth.


"Oh shit, I think you've caught his eye, Jasmine"

"Really, you call that catching someone's eye? He sticks his tongue down her throat and in the meantime winks at me"

"I'd like him to stick his tongue down my throat too"

Chris said, drooling over him.

"I wonder how big his guy is"

Chris said, as I wondered if he was joking or seriously asking me this.

There's no way he's kidding by asking me this with a serious face.

"Go and find out"

I replied smiling at Chris.

"Believe me, if I were you, I would have jumped on him a long time ago"

"What do you mean?"

I raised an eyebrow at his words.

"Did you see yourself in the mirror? You are beautiful! You have a shapely body, a nice ass, big tits and a beautiful face. What more could you want!"

I laughed slightly.

This smile didn't last long because a blonde-haired girl wearing a mini skirt and a blouse revealing her tits appeared in front of me.

It was my ex friend. And my ex-boyfriend was running behind her.

"Baby please don't do this!–"


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