endless dream

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Endless dream part 1

Have you ever thought "Dreams are not real!" if you had said anything as such i would have said you were right... Until  October 5th 2002. That is when i think the dreams first started, but it might have been a month or two before that, well i am not sure but i don't think you really care about that kinda information to be honest i don't think you will believe me but i don't care i need to put this somewhere because i feel like this is one of my last chances too do so.

October 5th 2002.

I remember being with my mom and dad as they sat on the two fluffy red arm chairs brand new they were really nice chairs, while me and my little sister Emily were playing with our toys thinking about how Halloween is only  26 or so days away and the fact we would be snacking on so many sweets.

We spent a lot of time that day running around the house watching cartoons with mom and dad and the fact it was so blissful. Time flew by that day and until it was night it was some dreaded time now that i think about it but 6 year old me just wanted to stay up.

When i opened my eyes i felt like i was dreaming it was poring rain  and pitch black with a dim light and felt terrifying beyond belief. I look around until i spotted him or so i thought, he was more none human so more of an it but anyway he was tall lanky he looked like he could reach up to five meters.

Had long greasy black hair with soulless eyes, those goddamn eyes! scare me shitless those two features where the only thing i made out i started running back but it matched my pace to the T. I felt like i was running for hours and then heard this inhumane scream then laughter as it picked up a knife out of thin air and hurled it at me, next thing i felt was a distinct pain in my cheek as blood weld up and dropped from the cut.

October 6th 2002

Then i woke up and "ow" my cheek hurt, so i went and looked in the mirror and to my bloody horror blood was dropping down my face. then i did the only thing a 6 year old would do i started cry my dad came in to comfort me and saw they cut confused as to what happened  he asked "Hey buddy what happened to your face?" so i tried my best to explain my nightmare in a crying frenzy he brushed it off and put a plaster over my cut.

6 year old me thought i was better forgot all about the man in the nightmare so i went about my day.

I went to the store to get the weekly shopping with my mom i always loved spending time with her she had long hazelnut brown hair with hazelnut brown eyes with a smile and kindness that would cheer up anyone she was medium height for a girl and was very beautiful.

We got the stuff we needed like bread milk washing up liquid and tablets dishwasher tablets stuff like that you know?. We got home and unpacked i ran to Emily and sat next to her and started watching spongebob squarepants  after a while, we ate dinner and went to bed then the nightmare was there again.

i took one step over to the man which reveled an ear to ear smile with teeth like knifes but that wasn't the worst part. There was so much blood like he teeth were red no white to be scene. i took 2 steps back he took one forward and the smile was no longer  able to be scene i sat down and asked him, "why are you here? who are you?" i heard the sound of glass smashing and heard a cackle then was woken up.

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