New life ahead

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It is almost the end of Elena's pregnancy and she decided to take a maternity shoot to capture a special moment with her and her baby she got ready and headed to the mall to find a boutique to get the perfect outfit for the photo. She saw a unexpected person PETE! he look devastated and sad but she held her head straight and walked right past him. She found the perfect suit and headed to the venue for her picture. She went back to the same place where she had recently took her 3 year anniversary photo with Pete. As luck would have it, it was the same clerk that was there that very day, she look surprised to see Elena and said " oh congratulations" "Thank you so much" Elena said, she looked around and said "where's Pete" Elena looked shocked and said " oh you remember us?!" "Yeah" the Clerk said " well he left me after I told him I was pregnant so it's just me all alone with my child" "oh I'm so sorry to here that, I hope you two can work things out you were so cute together" "hah.. yeah I guess" "here's what I'm gonna do the next Time I see him I'm gonna give him a stern talking to" "uhh.. it's ok you do have to do that" "no I insist the clerk" so Elena reluctantly agreed and went in for her photo and they came out gorgeous......

The next weeks went by and Elena was 38 weeks pregnant and was starting to feel contractions she said "well this part of the journey has almost come to and end and a new on is beginning" later that afternoon she felt her pants get wet and was like...

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The next weeks went by and Elena was 38 weeks pregnant and was starting to feel contractions she said "well this part of the journey has almost come to and end and a new on is beginning" later that afternoon she felt her pants get wet and was like "omg did I just pee my self" Helen said "Elena that's not pee your water just broke.. YOU HAVE TO GET TO THE HOSPITAL NOW" Helen rushed to find her husband Charlie and told him that Elena need to be rushed to the hospital he immediately sprung into action and started the car weaving through traffic they got to the hospital safely with minutes to spare.

17 and Pregnant Where stories live. Discover now