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Okayy hihi it's me again, your favorite disabled and anxious internet friend! Hooray 🤠

I got a job at Taco Bell three weeks ago and it's not going well because nothing ever works out in my favor for some reason hahaha it's not funny but I bet that I'll get fired soon. I really try my best to not be super annoying and anxious while working but oh well. And the place isn't really beginner friendly so when I mess up a lot like I have been doing cuz I'm stupid and suck I get severely punished. Not fun at all. Looking for a new job lmao.

And I went back to the same university again in August cuz my life is bland without education. I'm so broke it's almost rude to be this poor. 😭

But I spent $150 on an EVERGLOW ticket so maybe my bus won't be late this time 👽

Onda, Mia and Aisha are my biases <3 (praying they kidnap me so that I can be the untalented and secret 7th member lol)

And I'm turning into a quarter on my birthday month hoorah 🤡

Hey, at least I've been getting therapy and my health is somewhat improving. :)

Bye don't drugs 🤟🏿

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