The Chase

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It took forever and a day but I finally, FINALLY uploaded a new chapter LOL! anyways enjoy :)



Who said that? And did he just call me princess?

Talia thought as she put down her hand and straightened up from the wall, looking around cautiously.

"I gotta say, I didn't really think you had it in you…i guess princess uptight can be a little unhinged sometimes…" the mysterious voice called out to her again.

Assuming a battle stance, she looked around and realised the street was fairly busy. Thee last thing she needed to do was start using magic in front of these earthlings.

She assumed a normal stance, brought out her taser and looked around as she said, "who are you? Show yourself!"

"Show myself? Okay princess…"

He stepped out of the building next to the one Talia had previously leaned on, the streetlights up ahead illuminating his features.

With a smirk curling his lips, his dishwater blonde curls framing his face, and the familiar green eyes alight with mischief, he still looked exactly the same as he did the last time he saw her…completely unrecognizable.

His emerald eyes never left her gold as he slowly approached her. It was the same guy who had been watching her all night at Nates.

I don't understand, I've never seen this guy in my life... Talia puzzled as to where she might have known the stranger from.

"And as for who I am…" he paused for dramatic effect and tilted his head to the side. He put his hand on his chest as though in pain, donning a wounded expression as he said "I'm hurt that you don't recognize me princess.."

She hadn't heard a thing that left his mouth as she stared deeply into his eyes, mesmerized. All she could see were those eyes..his eyes…

Eyes that had challenged her several times in battle. Eyes that mocked her weakest and even stongest moments. Eyes that mocked her even now…

Recognition spread like wildfire on her face as she realized who he was.

"Mephisto…?" she whispered slowly to herself. He had different clothes, different hair, even a different face but the same gorgeous jade eyes.

He smirked as he said, "In the flesh! well not technically in the flesh…but let's see what we can do to change that, shall we?"

He snapped his fingers and a swirl of colors engulfed him. It was only for two seconds, but when it stopped, he was dressed in his usual attire, his hair its familiar plum color, that same stupid smirk on his now recognizable face.

"What…?" was the only thing Talia could think to say at the moment.

"What am I doing disguised as a ridiculous earthling?" He asked, taking a step towards her, "Well, prax had some important matters to take care of in Ephedia and left me to the chore of watching you and your little friends. Don't worry though, she'll be back first thing tomorrow."

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