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Warning: Contains smut

if that's not your thing, you're probably reading the wrong story lol.




Talia couldn't believe what she was hearing "what are you even talking about?!" She squeaked.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about..." he replied, his gaze unfaltering.

"Are you crazy? I hate you! And you hate me!" She exclaimed.

"One, I don't care, and two, I think we both know the answer to that question. But now I have a question for you," he stared intensely into her eyes as he began. "Can you look me in the eyes right now and tell me you're not honestly in the least bit attracted to me?"

No, I'm not attracted to you, she wanted to say, you're evil, and crazy, you have a really annoying sister, and you work for that psychopathic tyrant Gramorr who, by the way trapped my parents in another realm, imprisoned my sister and Iris' parents and is currently controlling every kingdom in Ephedia including mine! So, no! I am not attracted to you! Her lips were parted, but she couldn't muster a sound, let alone a word.

As she stared into his eyes she knew she wasn't going to be able to do it, because it would be a lie. Don't get her wrong, everything she had thought to say to him was true. He was evil, and his sister was annoying, and he was under the authority of a psychopathic tyrant, but these factors didn't erase the fact that he was devastatingly handsome. She had always known this, but now, staring upclose at his beautiful face, she was forced to acknowledge the fact.

"Exactly," mephisto whispered, his breath hot on her face. "You can't...because then you would be lying."

Clearly tired of him reading her thoughts, she scowled at him. "Okay, so?" Her voice had gone five octaves higher. "So what if I don't find you completely repulsive? So what if your proximity to me is making me feel things right now! What about it? It's not like there's anything we-" she trailed off at the smug expression creeping on his face.

"What?" She asked, irritable.

"Oh nothing, just wondering what I'm making you feel right now..." He shrugged, a sly smile gracing his features.

"I said nothing of the sort!" She squeaked, her face flushing a furious crimson.

"If you insist..." He chuckled. " and just so you know princess, you make me feel things too." he said in a voice thick with need, and she flushed a deeper red than she thought was humanly possible. But she quickly recovered her equilibrium, remembering the conversation at hand.

"And besides, even if we were would be so...weird! I mean, what if Praxina or Iris or Auriana find out? That's one awkward situation I'm not prepared to walk into."

"It's only weird if we make it weird, one...two, how would Prax and your friends know?" He tilted his head and studied her for a second. "Not unless you were planning to tell them...?"

"Why would I tell them that?" She asked, and he shrugged.

"All I'm saying is I want you...and you very clearly want me too...I mean, I've seen the way you look at me when we battle...I'm not dumb." Talia cocked her brow and he gave her a sharp don't-even-think-about-it look. He continued, "so all I'm saying is why not it?"

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