♡Chapter 6 ~ Lazy Day In♡

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Amber's P.O.V.
Wow. Tyde just kissed me... And I liked it... Oh no... Do I like him? No I can't like him, I've only known him for like 2 days... But maybe I do...

Tydes P.O.V.
I had to kiss her, she was just to beautiful not to. "Umm.." I scratched the back of my neak. "I don't know why I did that." "Its okay I liked it" she confessed.

Amber's P.O.V.
We just stood there awkwardly in silence for a few mins when I decided to break the silence.

"So.. W-Why did you do that?" I asked stuttering slightly.

"Umm.." He scratched the back of his neak. "I don't know I just couldn't help my self, I don't know what came over me I ju-" I cut him off by kissing his cheek.

"It's okay I liked it but let's just leave it for now" I blushed.

Tyde's P.O.V.
She walked away. Daym. She looked hot when she walked away all shy like. I have to admit it turned me on and made me want her even more. Daym I got it bad.

~two hours later~

Amber's P.O.V.
Its been a few hours since the kiss and I can't stop thinking about it.. So i've been avoiding him... I mean, what if I like him? I dont know if i do coz i've only known him a few days but maybe it's love at first sight.. I don't know I'll just have to try my hardest not to think about him.

I went into Tyde's room to go get my phone. When I got there Tyde was alseep so I decided to get my vlogging camera out and give him a wake up call.

Look! It's a wild Type in his natural habitat. I think it's time for him to wake up. 3, 2, 1!

And I jumped onto Tyde. He pushed me off and started to tickle me.

"Why did you do that?" Tyde laughed.

"I.... Don't... Know.." I said between laughs. He stoped tickling me and we just layed there side by side. I got my vlogging camera out as I had and idea.

So now that Tyde is awake we are gonna go make some Tanya Burr cookies. So yeah.
*end of vlogging*

So once we got all the ingredients i decided that I would make a main channel video of it. (I'm gonna right out the video)

Hi guys so today I'm here with... wait your so tall your not in the shot one second.. He laughed as I adjusted the camera. So now that's fixed but yes i am here with the very tall Tyde Levi. So today we are gonna make the Tanya Burr cookies and yes this video was inspired by Jim and Zoe so let's get on with the video. So we are going to try and keep the kitchen clean but thats probably won't happen. We both laughed.

We finally finished the cookies and also made a mess of the the kitchen. I did my outro then turned off the camera when Zoe, Tyler, Troye and Alfie walked in.

"What happened to the kitchen?" Troye laughed.

"Um we tryed to make Tanya's cookies and as you can tell it failed" i giggled.

"Well you better clean this up coz we are going out now to see some tourist sites and if you're quick you can come too" Troye explained.

"Nah well stay here because we are lazy like that" Tyde said.

After what felt like forever we finished cleaning the kitchen and we went into Tyde's room. I thought it was the perfect time to talk to him about the kiss. That amazing kiss.

Tyde's P.O.V.
I can't help it, I need to speak to her about the kiss. I don't know how to tell her, I mean we have only know each other a few days, she might think I'm crazy but I don't care. I need to tell her that the kiss ment something to me. I really like her. "Um Tyde I need to talk you.." Amber said walking into my room. Oh no...

Amber's P.O.V.
I decided that I had to tell Tyde what I felt when we kissed because I felt sparks. Well here goes nothing...

"Um Tyde I need to speak to you" I said sitting opposite him on his bed.

"You know earlier why did you kiss me?" I asked, my voice shaking a bit.

"Umm.. I think its because I like you and I know you probably think I'm weird for fancying you when we have only known each other 2 days and I don't usually believe in love a first sight but that's was before I met you..." Tyde confessed, turning red.

"Oh.." Was all I managed to get out.

"What?" Tyde asked embarrassed.

"I was thinking the exact same thing... I mean I thought you would think I was weird or crazy or something.. I mean i am crazy..." I began.

"Just about you" Tyde finished my sentence.

"Yeah..." I blushed.

He lent in and pecked my lips softly.

"Let's just keep this between us because the others WILL think we are crazy." Tyde explained. I nodded in agreement we got up and he hugged me.

"You're so beautiful.." Tyde confessed. " if the temptation to kiss you becomes to strong I will, even if it is in front if everyone" Tyde laughed.

"Okay then. Its coz I'm so hot I get what you mean" I joked.

Tyde bit his lip and nodded jokingly. I laughed and slapped his arm playfully.

"Come on, let's go in the pool" Tyde said grabbing my hand and pulling me outside.

My summer is off to a very good start.

A/N - Omg thanks for 250+ reeds I really appreciate itso this chapter is for my bum face of a friend Lottie who has been nagging me at school to update so here you go, hope you like it


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