♡Chapter 24 ~ First Date♡

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Amber's P.O.V.
I was woken by the sound of my alarm going off. I tried to ignore it but Zoe but me with a pillow.

"Can you turn the flipping alarm of? Its been going off for about 2 hours and I'm the one who has to keep turning it off because you refuse to get your lazy ass out of bed" Zoe said hitting me with a pillow multiple times.

"Okay okay! I'm going" I said getting out of bed. I look at my phone to see that it was 11 already.

Today we were having a spa day as in myself, Zoe, Tyler and Troye. I decided to skip getting a shower for now as I had one before I went to bed last night.

We all had breakfast in the hotel together. After we finished myself, Zoe, Tyler and Troye all went down to the spa. Once we got there we all had a massage each.

That lasted for about and hour. After that we got gave masks put on and we had a foot massage and Zoe and i got a pedicure. Tyler and Troye went back to go in the sauna.

Zoe and I decided to get out nails done insted. I got mine doe slightly longer than they were. I got them painted mint green and the second to last finger on each hand was matte black. I was in love with them.

Zoe got the same time but she got blue insted of mint green. By the time we had all finished it was about 5.

We all went back to our hotel room and I decided to start getting ready for my date. I am quite nervous, but at the same time really excited. I got into the shower and washed my hair with my coconut sented shampoo & conditioner. I shaved my legs, washed my body and got out.

I decided to blow try my hair and straighten it. That took about and hour so by this point it was half 6.

I got into my outfit and put on very nutral make up with my new nude Mac lipstick that I brought yesterday. Now I just have to wait for Tyde to get here.

Tyde's P.O.V.
It was nearly 7 o'clock. I decided it was time to go and get Amber. I was wearing black skiney jeans, a button up shirt and a black blazer that I borrowed of Alfie. I had a single rose to give to her, so I took that and went to go get her.

I knocked on the door. I told her to bring a pair of Pointe shoes beacuse she thinks she is going to get them signed but in reality she is going to have little lesson with the dancers in the ballet. Then after she will get them signed.

I knocked on her door and she opened it with the biggest smile on her face. She looked absolutely stunning, I couldn't help but smile. I handed her the rose and kissed her forehead.

"You look absolutely beautiful" I said smiling. She smiled back, blushing. She put the rose inside her room, grabbed her bag and Pointe shoes and came out again.

I grabbed her hand and we walk out the hotel.

We got a taxi to where the ballet was. We got into our seats and the veiw was amazing. The ballet started and it was absolutely amazing. It looked so painless and effort less but Amber soon reassured me it's not.

Once it was finished we went backstage too meet the dancers. Amber got there and instantly began dancing.

All the profesionals started clapping and she went bright red. They invited her to dance and I watched, amazed.

She's really good.

Amber's P.O.V.
When I started dancing the professional dancers started clapping. I went BRIGHT red. They invited me to dance and I looked and Tyde.

Did he do this for me?

I looked at him and smiled. Is there anything this boy can't do? I danced with the females in the 4 swans dance and it was amazing.

I also danced with the male lead as the black swan. It was amazing. I cannot wait to do this for real one day. We did this for about and hour and after that my feet and Pointe shoes were dead. I got my shoes signed and said my goodbyes.

"Wow! That we incredible. Thank you Tyde " I said hugging him.

I pulled back and he kissed me. This night has been perfect so far.

We finished our meal and let me tell you i am STUFFED. We went to and all you can eat restaurant and it was amazing.

We got a taxi back to the hotel and we went to the rooftop. We sat down and he put his arm around me.

"Thank you Tyde, for everything" I said.

"And thank you for everything, you've changed my world and made me a happier person" he said kissing my forehead. He pulled back and kissed me once again.

"I love you" he smiled.

"I love you too" I smiled back. We sat on the roof for about 15 minuets but we got cold so we went back inside. He droped me off at my floor.

"Thank you for tonight, it's been amazing" I smiled.

"Your welcome" he said kissing me once more. While we were kissing Tyler burst the door open.

"Right sorry to interupt but she has some explaning to do!" Tyler she pulling me inside.

"Haha okay bye Amber!" Tyde smiled as he walked away.

"Bye!" I yelled back, but Tyler pulled me inside.

"Soo? How was it?" Tyler asked eagerly.

"Is Amber back!" Zoe and Troye said runing towards us.

We all walked into mine and Zoe's room and I explained it all to them, which reslulted in squeals from everyone. 

"I know, it was amazing, but I'm really tired so im going to sleep now, so night" I said. I got changed into my pjs and jumped into bed. Today has been amazing.


A/N - Hope you like this chapter I'm thinking about ending this book soon but Idk when it how too but if i did finish it and I made a sequel who would read it? Comment if you would and omg I nearly have 3k reads on this?! Thank you so much it me and alot


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