Chapter 22

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Livia opened her eyes, finding herself in a cell, the stone cold ground being what woke her up. She sat up, looking around with wide eyes, her body trembling as alarm and fear coursed through her. She was just at the party with her papa, until someone snatched her away and dragged her out, next thing she knew there were people wearing black bunny masks then she blacked out after smelling lavender flowers. "IDIOT CHILDREN!" She flinched, a masked man storming in, dragging a white haired boy with blood red eyes into the room. A second man with a mask came in, with a dark blue hair boy and stormy grey eyes. The taller man opened her cell, and tossed the white haired boy down, the dark blue haired boy being tossed down next. "H-Hey don't do that!"Livia protests. The cell door slammed shut, the two men staring down at her one looking curious. "When did she come in"The taller man demands. "Last night, we got tipped off that there was a forbidden child in the Valley of Thorns"The second man answers.

The taller man stiffened in shock, looking at the other alarmed then whipped around to face her. "YOU! WHAT'S YOUR NAME??!" She flinched back, her eyes wide at the sight of the mans glowing grey eyes. "L-Livia..Livia Garcia Vanrouge.."Livia answers shakily. "YOU IDIOTS!!" She stared watching the two men argue, then turned to the two boys on the floor. "Look we just auction her off, Lilia will never find out!" "If we do that and the person we sold her to blabs about our location and what we're doing, we're screwed!" "Nobody will blab! You know that!" Livia touched the white haired boys face, looking worried. "Whatever, we have two days to sell her off, if she's not gone by the end of day two, I'm gonna wring her neck." She whipped around, her eyes wide in alarm, both men staring her down. "Fae jaguars aren't supposed to exist anyway.." A hand grabbed her wrist, startling her. Red eyes stared her down, the white haired boy looking startled.

"You're not Arzen, I thought he was trying to strangle me again"The boy says. She stared, then looked at the dark blue haired boy, wondering if he was Arzen. The red eyed male followed her gaze and flinched, shooting up looking livid. "ARZEN, YOU IDIOT!"The male snapped kicking the boy away. Arzen was up in an instant, gripping the boy by his shirt collar. "You're the one to talk, Lucien, you started a fight with ME!!"Arzen snapped. The two shouted at each other, Livia looking nervous at the amount of anger emitting from them both. "S-STOP IT!"Livia cried getting up. "Don't fight please! It's not right to blame each other when we're all in the same predicament, we should work together and get out!"Livia cried. Lucien stared down at her, releasing Arzen. "Who is this"Arzen demands coldly. Livia swayed before she could answer him, her vision going blurry. It was cold, and getting colder. "H-Hey!"Lucien gasped. He caught her when she fell over, her face turning blue. "SOMEONE HELP HER!!!!"

Thea stared as guards walked through the village, questioning people and investigating houses, Shadow looking curiously at the commotion. The moment Livia had vanished, Maleficia blew a fuse and almost zapped her guards to ashes, ordering them to find the child immediately which startled a few of the parties residents. She sighed and turned, walking back to the cottage with her son. "Will they find her Ma?"Shadow asks worried. "There's not many witnesses and whoever did witness it seemed to tell a fabricated truth about what happened the other day"Thea says. She perked up, her eyes widening in disbelief. "LILIA!! NO!" Lilia flinched, Baul beside him equally surprised to see her back to soon, both wearing their soldier attire. "What are you doing?!"Thea demands alarmed. "Thea, I have to go look for Livia, I am the one who lost her"Lilia sighed looking down. "But-"Thea stared. "I'll be back, take care of everyone until then"Lilia promised. She flattened her ears back and nodded, watching him and Baul take off.

Benjamin watched his father pace around the office, unsurprised to see him so agitated like this. Spencer is known for being the Expressionless Demon, never showing his emotions, but if people saw how he acted with family members, doting and loving, that nickname would've been diminished instantly. "How did they get past the security?!"Spencer snarled slamming his hands on the desk. "What's their reason for grabbing Livia? There's so many possibilities it's hard to pick one, but the one I can think of is them wanting to get Livia out of the way so she doesn't fight Layla....people are afraid she'll win because she's Lilia's daughter, and he no doubt taught her a bit of self defense..."Benjamin comments. Spencer grabbed a sword, Benjamin noticing it was the sword his father used during his days as a soldier. It was a sword made out of obsidian with a diamond handle that had a tiger emblem on both sides. "Wanna join the hunt?"Spencer asks. "I thought you'd never ask, let's head to that auction house"Benjamin grinned a dark look on his face.

Livia opened her eyes, finding blankets over her. She lifted her hands, seeing the blue was gone. "You're awake.." Lucien placed a hand on the back of her head, showing visible concern. "What was that all about, fainting like that you idiot?!!"Arzen demands. "She just woke up! Don't be such a ratface piece of rotting snake skin!"Lucien frowned. "YOU CURSED AT ME YOU JERK??! HOW DARE YOU CALL ME THAT!!"Arzen yells. Livia stared at them both, watching the two boys go back and forth with each other, bickering and shoving one another in irritation. She got to her feet, hearing the sounds of people yelling numbers upstairs, wondering what was going on and why she ended up here. Her small hands gripped the bars, looking nervous already putting together that this place was an awful one to be in for anybody. "This is an auction house in the blackmarket..." Arzen came up beside her, gripping the bars. "There's three sections to this place"Lucien adds walking over.

"The first section is this one where high priced goods are to be sold first, the second is where they keep the lesser high priced ones, although that room is a torture room...and the third is the Dark Room, where they get rid of any goods that don't sell, there's a girl scheduled to go there tomorrow night.."Arzen sighed. "W-Why are we here? Why me?"Livia asks fearful of the answer. If she was in the high priced goods area, that must mean there was something about her that peaked their interest, causing them to come grab her. "You don't know?"Arzen asks surprised. "Fae jaguar children like you are supposed to be thrown head first into a ravine or off the tallest tower, well anything tall enough to immediately kill a newborn.."Arzen explains. Lucien punched the male down, Arzen gripping his jaw furiously glaring at him. "Idiot.."Lucien hissed Livia trembling. She was supposed to be dead right now...why was she still alive, why hadn't they thrown her head first or were they planning to that's why Malleus wanted her around.

"I-I have to get back to Papa...."Livia says gripping the cell bars. Footsteps echoed, three men walking over and stopping in front of her cell. "Priest Messui..."Livia stared disbeliving. Messui stared down at her, waves of pleasure coming from him. He kneeled down, grinning as he scanned her from head to toe. "You'll do just fine, it'll be a few years before I can do anything, but you'll make a fine wife, especially if you grow up to be as beautiful as your pitiful mother back home"Priest Messui smiled. She stared, feeling everything shatter around her at his words, her hands gripping the bars tighter. A fist flew past her head heading right through the space between the bars, punching the man square in his nose. "DISGUSTING, YOU EVIL OLD MAN!! I KNOW YOU!! YOU'RE THAT 900 YEAR OLD IDIOT THAT HELPS THESE GUYS TAKE KIDS!"Arzen spat. Messui touched his bleeding nose and grinned. "On second thought, I'll have you and her wed, let's see how powerful your child could be when the time comes"Priest Messui smiled.

"I'LL KILL YOU!!"Arzen shouts Lucien holding him back. Messui smiled, watching the boy shout curses and threats at him, further provoking the boy by merely yawning in his face. "YOU FROG BLOB COVERED SNAKE TURD!"Arzen cursed at him. "My, my, such awful language for such a little child"Priest Messui chuckled. Lucien perked up, noticing two shadows entering the room, one of them no doubt carrying a weapon in hand. "S-Stop provoking him and let us go home!"Livia pleaded. "Meek just like your mother, but she got more irritating as time went on, I'm gonna have to figure out how to keep you docile"Priest Messui grinned. "Give them both to me." The cell door opened, Lucien and Arzen holding their arms out in front of her as they moved back. "STAY AWAY!"Lucien commands ice coating his hand, Arzen scowling. The three kids froze, looks of pure shock appearing on their faces. "I always knew I hated you"Spencer says his sword raised. He swung it through the air, slicing Messui's head clean off.

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