Chapter 31(Season 2 begin)

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Sebek placed Livia behind him, keeping his sword aimed at the man. "I won't repeat it! WHO ARE YOU?!"Sebek glared. Edric stared Sebek down, his purple eyes glowing with irritation. "You, you're so annoying..."Edric snarled uncrossing his legs. "S-SEBEK!! STAND DOWN!!" Livia threw her arms around Sebek's abdomen, her eyes widening in terror at the amount of malicious murderous intent coming from Edric, tears picking the corners of her eyes. Sebek stared down at her, looking alarmed by how frightened she was. "I'm fine! Don't worry!"Livia says gripping his shirt, looking up at him. The boy lowered his sword, Edric snorting as he looked away. "Sebek, I should head back to Malleus, accompany me.."Livia says grabbing her parasol. She shakily walked away, Sebek trailing after her. "I'll be waiting here, my dear~~"Edric beamed waving to her. "Y-Yes..understood..."Livia mutters. She opened the room door, Sebek shutting it behind him when the two stepped out into the hallway.

He followed her silently, staring at her trembling arm. "Liv." She stopped, Sebek pinching her dress between his thumb and index, looking down at her. "Please depend on me more." Her ears twitched in surprise, staring up at him. "He scares you, I can see that....I don't like seeing you frightened, it makes me feel useless when you're like that.."Sebek says. He stepped closer, placing his hand on her cheek. "Don't go ask Seon or Billy, Lucien or Arzen...please come to me, so I can aid you..."Sebek pleas. She looked down, feeling bad now since Sebek had always rushed to her aid as they grew up, and kept her safe from others the best he could. He had always worried for her, being among some of the first to see if she was alright. Yet, she never really seeked him out when she needed help. "Alright, Sebek." He perked up, looking surprised. She smiled at him, gripping the handle of her parasol, her trembling gone. "I'll depend on you more often"Livia promised Sebek smiling at her relieved.

A sigh came from Livia as she laid in her bed already dressed in her nightgown. The rest of the day had been less stressful but tiring for her. She finished posing for the painting with Malleus, then visited Nilo and Maleficia for some tea time, then she visited her family to see her new baby siblings her mother gave birth to. They had been so small! Smaller than she and her other siblings were, but her mother states that she was bigger now so they'd seem smaller to her. "Man"Livia sighed. She got out of bed and walked out into the balcony, a breeze blowing through her hair. Something leaped up in front of her, causing her to flinch and step back alarmed. Sebek landed in front of her, wearing a cloak. "I wanted to check on you"Sebek says quietly. She laughed and smiled at him, looking amused. The two stepped into the room, Livia sitting down on her bed. "How are you feeling?"Sebek asks. She grabbed him, pulling him down beside her, startling the male.

" that you're here with me, I mean"Livia smiled. Sebek sat up, looking at her amused. "I'm serious, Liv.."Sebek says his smile fading. She sat up, Sebek grabbing her hand. "Feels strange, Edric is gonna be staying in the castle...I'm not gonna be able to avoid him.."Livia says. She wanted to never cross path's with Edric. He scared her, and his arrogance was very annoying to her. Sebek would've instantly lost his life had she not stopped him from further provoking the Dragon Spirit Lord. She perked up, a hand on her shoulder. "I'm still here, send me a message if you need me.."Sebek says. He hopped out of her bed, walking out onto the balcony. He smiled at her, lifting his cloak hood up and leaped off the balcony right over the ledge. She shot up, rushing out, only to see Sebek and Baul heading back towards the town. "Idiot.."Livia smiled. She walked back inside, and flopped down onto her bed, smiling slightly as she drifted off into a quiet slumber.

She opened her eyes, finding herself in the middle of a burning down Valley of Thorns, her eyes widening in disbelief at the sight of the destruction around her. She shrieked in alarm, someone stepping through her. Eight kids walked together, dull and malicious looks on their faces as they moved together through the destroyed land. "Arielle, Pia.."The purple haired male in lead says. The two girls leaped forward, fire magic surrounding ones hand while dark magic surrounded the other. Both blasted at the ground, the sound of residences screaming reaching Livia's ears. "Theo.."A owl beastman says a girl beside him. Theo unsheathed his sword, and sliced a pillar down with a single swing, looking unbothered. "Gabe, Gazzy...don't let anyone escape..Avery, go cut down the Draconia's..."Theo commands. Gabe took off with Gazzy, the two lifting into the air using wind magic. Avery fixed his cloak and walked away, a dragon sized lion made of fire and dark magic padding after him. "Mia, we have a spy"Theo adds. Mia turned, looking directly at Livia then fired an arrow at her heart.

Livia screamed, sitting up, finding herself back in her room. She touched her head and sighed, noticing morning had arrived. "Lady Livia." Lilian walked over, holding a letter with a strange stamp print. "This arrived a few minutes ago, the person who delivered it said it must reach you as quick as possible..."Lilian informed. Livia stared, taking the letter from her nanny, quickly opening it, wondering if it was gonna refer to her dream. It did refer to her dream. The letters contents were about eight kids across the valley with not so good parents training them in horrible ways and that her dream was a future that will happen if they're not saved. The location of each child was already written down in the letter, along with their names and their best abilities. She had three years to save those kids. "Did the person who delivered this give their name?"Livia asks looking at Lilian. "No, I questioned him but he said to trust him because Nilo would have..."Lilian responds.

"Because Nilo would have?"Livia mutters. She narrowed her eyes, wondering who this person was. "Princess, you're to have breakfast with her highness and Council Head Nilo, then it's tea time with Malleus"Lilian informs preparing a dress for Livia. "Afterwards, your Uncle Benjamin and Lord Spencer will visit during your etiquette's class to see how you perform, lastly you'll have Florina and Lacey visit you." Livia nodded, Lilian bringing over two dresses. "Fancy or Plain, Lady Livia?"Lilian asks. Livia tapped her chin, really wanting to go for plain, but she'd be spending the day with lots of people she loved. "Fancy please, bring me the dress Maleficia gifted me"Livia responds. Lilian nodded, carrying the dresses away. Livia looked back down at the letter, her eyes narrowed. Theo was good at swordsmanship, Arielle and Pia were elemental mage's, Avery was a beast tamer, Simon was good at potions, Mia was a great archer, lastly the twin boys Gabe and Gazzy were both good at healing magic. "These are noble households.."Livia muttered.

She should've known that Duke Owen wasn't the only crappy noble around here. There were others, people that decided to stay in hiding and do the worst from inside their homes since nobody could really question them about it since they'd be showing their good side the moment they step outside. "Is it because of Duke Owen's failure...."Livia wonders getting to her feet. Lilian walked over, carrying the new dress. If she was gonna save these eight kits, she was gonna need eyes, ears, hands and feet to work outside of the palace. Malleus, Maleficia and Nilo wouldn't let her wonder around willy-nilly alone either, Philly would be keeping a close watch on her. "Hold still, My Lady.."Lilian gently scolds, brushing the girls hair. "Oh, my apologies, I was too deep in thought"Livia says. "Done!" Livia nodded, folding the note and tucking it away. "Bye see you later!"Livia waved hurrying out of the room. She headed down the hall, needing to find someone who'd do her outside dirty work.

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