Chapter 1

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Hurricane Utah's School Of Advanced Education

The car ride to Utah was long and tiring,  but we finally made it to our new house.
It was a decent size,  not too big and not too small.   It was enough to fit mom, dad, my two brothers and I leaving room for around 2 guest rooms and other stuff.   Oh,  and our (dog/cat) (pet name,  or p/n will be your favorite soda.  Mine is Dr. Pepper) p/n.
The moving truck had arrived right before us,  so we all pitched in to unload everything.   Our rooms were already set before we left Florida,   just so we wouldn't fight when we got here.    Not that I'm saying my brothers and I have a bad relationship,  we just get a bit competitive.  
Realistically we have a chill understanding
with goofiness added in every now and then,  I'd rather not fight with either of my brothers anyway.   They both work out and could really hurt me if they wanted to.

"Yo Y/n,  stop daydreaming.  We still have a lot to bring in."   My older brother Fallon spoke as he knocked on the doorframe leading into my soon to be room.
(Fallon means 'The One In Charge')
He's 20,  Sophomore in College and will be attending the same school as me, is a little over 5 years older than me.
"Ah,  right.  Sorry,  just sorting my thoughts out."   I rushed out of my room and continued to grab things to bring inside.

When everything was inside the light outside had turned a beautiful shade of orange and purple,  my dad's sigh breaking the silence that sat among us.
"Well,  welcome to your new home kids."
He scratched his head and looked around.
"Now I know it isn't much but we can make this place feel like a home."
Mom patted his knee comfortingly.
"Dad,  just because you are an IT wiz and mom's a Lawyer doesn't mean we have to have a big house.   This feels just right."
Dakota,  my younger brother assured as he fiddled with a fidget toy.   He's 14,  just shy of a year younger than me and is also attending the same school as me.
(Dakota means 'Friend or Ally)
"Mmhm!   Besides,  our last house was a bit away from friends."  I piped in as well.
Our dad's soft smile was enough to tell us he is proud of us.

Mom stood from the set Love seat and picked up her phone.  "Well my lovelies,  I'll order some dinner.   Any preferences?"
"PIZZA!"  My brothers and I said in unison.
She laughed and dialed a number,  walking off to order.
"Alright kiddos,  why don't you go and unpack your things while you wait."
We did,  rushing up the stairs to our rooms.
I knew I had plenty of time to quickly set up my room,  and with how meticulous I am I did a dang good job too.

(Color scheme is yours to chose.  I'd love to see your ideas)

  I'd love to see your ideas)

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It was perfect

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It was perfect.   I finished just in time to get a text saying dinner was here.   I smiled and left my room,  following Fallon and Dakota to the dinning room.    My dad had his lap top out as he was eating,  looking up the school my brothers and I will be attending.

"Let's see,  Hurricane Utah's School Of Advanced Education.   It's interesting that this school does both High School and College,  how do they do it?"
Dakota snickered,  "We could just call it HUSOAE."
"HUSOAE,  that sounds funny."  We both laughed that the stupid name.
We got our slices of pizza and sat down  while listening to dad.
"Holy... They have so many courses to choose from,  impressive.  Honey,  come look at this."   Mom came over and looked at the roster of classes and courses.
"Oh my,  dear why didn't we even look at this before registering the kids?"
Dad chuckled nervously while wiping his sauce stained cheek,   "I honestly don't know.  I guess we were too occupied with moving."   It would make sense,  after all it was a long drive here added with the preparations.   So I don't blame them.

I finished eating and threw my paper plate in the trash.   "I'm off to bed,  goodnight."
I got a few goodnights back as I kissed mom and dad on the cheek like I normally do before bed.  Gotta keep up the battle for favoritism ya know?

Tomorrow we start classes,  good thing my grades are good since the semester already started.
I did my nightly routine and climbed in bed,  already being exhausted from the day made falling asleep easier.   I'm nervous but also excited for tomorrow.

I am going to do my best to keep this gender neutral,  and I'm already failing since I almost had Fallon call us sis🤣

Enjoy guys💗💗

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