Chapter 3

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And So It Begins

We waited by the entrance for the two students who will be guiding us through the school,  after a while we saw a short but sweet girl and an angsty cool type boy.

"Hi guys,  I'm Zoey!"  The girl said as she gayly stood in front of us.
(Gayly meaning joyful or happy,  Gay and full of glee.  Not sexuality)

Zoey,  aka Toy Chica's outfit

The shirt is more pink and vibrant

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The shirt is more pink and vibrant

The guy who looked to be about Fallon's age
stopped next to Zoey and looked over the three of us.   "The name's Shadow."

Shadow,  aka Shadow Freddy's outfit

Shadow,  aka Shadow Freddy's outfit

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"Shadow and I will be showing you around the main parts of the school,  but we will split up for me to show you around the High School section for you Dakota and Y/n.   Shadow will do the same for Fallon but for the College section.    If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask."   Shadow nodded along with her and started walking,  bringing Zoey to gesture us to follow.
"This place is big due to this being a High School and College,  so the lockers are separated like wise.   The High School lockers are here on the first floor while the College lockers are on the second floor."
Zoey explained the lockers like a pro.

Shadow gestured to the lockers as he explained his bit.
"If and when you transfer to College here,  your locker will be traded in for one on the second floor.   College classes are mainly on the second floor to minimize traffic through the halls.   However there are classes that combine the College and High School students,  and those classes are limited."

Zoey piped in.  "Mhmm!  The Gym is a free for all,  meaning both sides share the gym.
It's really funny to watch everything go down in there."    Shadow smirked at what Zoey said and hummed,  "Absolutely."

Tons of students passed as we walked to the cafeteria,  some ogling Shadow and now Fallon.  

"The cafeteria is open to everyone,   though classes go on at different times so students rotate."  Shadow said as he held the cafeteria door open,  letting us in.
I was big!   Multiple entrances and a second level for the College students.    I rushed in and sat down on one of the spinning chairs at a table.    "Hands down love the cafeteria."
I said and spun in the chair.
Shadow chuckled.  "You say that now,  but wait till lunch actually happens."
He walked further into the cafeteria and spoke as he got to the steps.
"Now we part ways.  Zoey and I will bring you back together in the auditorium."   He turneda around halfway up the steps  and waited for Fallon.
Dakota and I watched as Fallon gave us a quick pat on our shoulders and walked toward Shadow.

We managed to hit every spot of the first floor before heading to the rendezvous room.

"And this is the auditorium!   I don't really need to explain what goes on here."  Zoey giggled as she rushed down the middle isle toward Fallon and Shadow.    Dakota and I ran to keep up,  catching each other before almost crashing into her.    Zoey and Fallon chuckled laughed as we elbowed each other.
"Classes are starting soon,  we should all head out now."    Shadow and Fallon did a fist bump before Shadow left for his class.
Zoey looked at me with a sweet smile.
"Well,  we're in the same first class.  Do you mind if we got to know each other?"
"Not at all.   Will you be ok you two?"
I asked my brothers,   both nodding with and 'oh yeah I'll be fine' look.
Dakota wrapped and arm around my neck and leaned on me.  "You ain't gotta worry
Y/n,  we're big boys."
Fallon cleared his throat and gave a mom like 'really?' sarcastic look at him.
"I'm an adult Kota."   Dakota waved him off and left the auditorium.

Fallon was next to leave.
"I'll see you later Squirt."  He ruffled my hair and made his way out.
"See ya Fallon."

I wrapped Zoey's arm around mine and smiled at her.   "Ready,  friend?"
She gasled and grinned,  "Yes!  Let's go!"
And off to class we went.

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