Chapter 3

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It was the last day of school.

Orihime was persuaded by Naruto to go to school and had a talk with Tatsuki and Ichigo.

The redhead's best friend and her boyfriend were surprised as to how Orihime found out about their relationship.

"It doesn't matter how, but, Kurosaki-kun, I want you to know that I've loved you for a very long time. Perhaps even before Tatsuki-chan did."

Both Tatsuki and Ichigo were taken aback from the sudden confession until Inoue continued.

"However, I've decided to move on and I wish for your happiness, Kurosaki-kun, Tatsuki-chan."

She bowed her head at the two before turning around and left the two dumbfounded teens.

Orihime ran through the hallway holding her tears as their friends' eyes lingered between the pair and the redhead.

Sado and Ichigo's close friends shook their heads in disappointment

It was when she reached an empty spot where Naruto was waiting for her, the blonde disappeared with Orihime in his hands, returning to her apartment room, ignoring Tatsuki's cry for her name.


"Aaahhh~~ that felt good!"

Naruto deadpanned at the young woman whose eyes reddened from crying too much.

"I'm amazed as to how you get over it so fast..."

Orihime turned and grinned at Naruto.

"As you told me yesterday, better to use the pain to motivate me to do something else, right? For now, I just want to focus on rescuing Rukia-chan when the time comes."

The blonde chuckled, glad to have his friend feeling better now.

"Great, since your teacher has been waiting for you since this morning."


Yoruichi came in through the window in her cat form.

"I guess she's done with her feelings for the strawberry kid?"


The cat grinned.

Orihime paled from it.

She was then whisked away from her room to their training spot.


"Eh? Do I really have to?"

Naruto whined as he drank his tea, courtesy of Ururu.

He was asked to come here after the matter with Orihime was done.

Surprisingly, Orihime and Sado's powers came from being near Ichigo whose Reiryoku was leaking out at the time.

However, the reaction they got from the two was quite normal since Naruto and the rest who knew about supernatural beings expected them to pass out or whatsoever.

"Of course, Uzumaki-san. We need all the help we can get and it'd be better if you can do this for us while we're training the kids."

"And here I was just getting back from fetching my laptop..." The blonde mumbled. "Fine, where are they?"

Urahara smiled as he flapped open his fan.


Naruto stared at the empty lot in front of him.

He turned to the card Urahara gave him for directions and what to say when he arrived.

Inhaling a deep breath, he shouted.

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