Two Suns

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Yay! Book 3 already! :D Hopefully everyone realizes there’s a book 3 D:


Naruko’s POV

It was already night time by now.  In the middle of our running, Naruto and I picked up on some voices possibly nearby.

“What is it?” Bee asked. The both of us paused, listening to the voices.

“The enemies are disguising themselves as our allies…” Voice one said.

“Well maybe you’re an enemy!” Voice 2 spoke.

Naruto and I frowned. “What’s going on? Everything is murky!” Naruto said.

We were stopped in our tracks as 2 figures landed in front of us, creating a dust cloud.

When the dust cleared, my eyes widened. It was Tsunade and the Raikage. Are they here to stop us?

“We’re here to stop you! You will not pass!” The Raikage shouted.

“Bro! Let them go, this is a personal plea… I can vouch for them, I guarantee!” Bee rhymed, trying to convince the Raikage into letting us go. However, it didn’t work.

“Silence! We are fighting this war to protect you three! If you’re captured…” A (A/N: The Raikage’s name) was cut off.

“The enemy has perfected their jutsu and the world is about to end. Isn’t that right? Iruka-sensei told us!” Naruto retorted.

“If you know that, why are you going? Are you crazy?!” A growled.

Naruto and I grit our teeth.

“It’s because of that… It’s because they’re protecting us! I can’t stand it when people are dying for me! It’s not worth it if we’re the only ones left in the end!” Naruto shouted.

“It’s better than the world ending! We all believe that, that’s why we’re fighting, prepared to sacrifice ourselves to protect you!” A yelled.

“You think we’re just going to sit here, unharmed, and do nothing?!” I joined in.

“Stop trying to talk yourselves out! You will not pass!” A snapped at me.

Naruto and I shot forwards, but A was just as fast. He matched our speed, blocking our path and forcing us backwards with 2 punches.

“Tsunade, you understand us, don’t you?! Let us go!” Naruto turned to Granny.

Tsunade paused, mulling things over, before making a decision. “We are not a part of the Allied Shinobi Force. These are orders from the Allied Force. Even though I am Hokage, I cannot act independently!” She replied.

Naruto and I sighed. “I guess that means we’ll have to force our way out!” I shouted, Naruto nodding.

Naruto and I darted off again, but were once again matched in speed with the Raikage. It honestly frustrated me. This was going to be difficult, no doubt. But we could do it. I knew we could.

“There’s no shinobi faster than me. Not since the Fourth Hokage!” A said.

Naruto and my eyes widened. “You knew dad?!” I said, shock evident in my tone.

“We fought many times. I came to believe that nobody could defeat him. I understand that Jiraiya called him the Child of Prophecy, the savior of the world… So why is this savior not here now?! Because he failed in the incident with the Kyuubi! You didn’t even know that! Only a fool speaks without knowing the probability...” A snarled, only managing to piss me off.

Book 3: Decisions DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now