5. Deep sleep

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The room was dark and quiet, and the sky seen through the window was painted with a sea of shimmering stars. Besides the gentle hum of the crickets outside, the sway of tree branches as a lazy breeze passed by was the only sound to be heard within this perfectly neat bedroom. By all accounts, it was a beautiful night. A gentle, soothing, peaceful night…
but not for me
Though already having down a few drinks, rather than having loosened up, I am feeling unnerved and disgusted.

Irritation coursed throughout my body just in response to reminding me of Mr Perfect

Deep within me where no one else could ever see, a war was raging in the planes of my mind.

"the fuck" I cursed under my teeth, "Why the fuck should I pretend to be him and be happy. I don't want to enjoy myself here forever, and I don’t appreciate being dragged here. I’m tired and I want to go home.” I placed the beer bottle on his bedside table loudly.

I took out my phone to just book the taxi. I am going home, my home.


I knew the passcode and I directly entered my bedroom. It was past midnight and He was sleeping in the dark room. A small table lamp breaks the darkness,

Moonlight skin illuminated beautifully in the low dimmed light.
looking at my sleeping body peacefully on my bed, I still can't believe whatever happened.

I sighed loudly before I called me,


He wide opened his eyes in shock, and got up hastily seeing like he was not sleeping at all.
"What are you doing here at this time. Is everything alright?"
and fuck I hate that.

I chewed my bottom lip to keep me sane. I don't want to fight, "Let's do it. Sex"

"Are you real? How could you even ask me such things? Are you horny and that's why you came all the way here?"

"Hey, hey, don't raise your hopes. Even if I was horny I would never go to you even if you are the only one left in the world"
I exhaled to keep myself together and continued in a lower voice, "It's not like I am dying to sleep with you, this is not for my entertainment. I am just asking if this can be the possibility and I can get my body back.

"But can you just imagine, having sex with our own body?" He questioned.

"Listen, I don't have any strength to argue with you. Even I am not sure but at least we can try" I stated.

"Are you sure you want to do this" He asked me in a surprisingly soothing voice. It made me angry for some other reason and I tried to open my mouth to say something back. As if he could read my mind he immediately kept his finger on my lips to stop me from talking, "Shhh... I got it"
He smoothly slid his finger on my lips and leaned to kiss my lips. My eyes widened and my breathing grew heavy as the tingling sensation flew in my veins for an entirely new reason. I fisted his clothing in my hands as he moved his lips on mine feverishly before squeezing my waist tighter.

He tilted his head slightly, and looked into my eyes breaking the kiss, "You... alright?"

"I" I took a deep breath invisibly, "is.. this necessary"
He narrowed his eyes questioning through it, "Kissing and all?" I finished.

"This is how I do," He said in a stern voice. As if he was warning me to not question. He connected his lips to mine again but this time furiously taking my breath away.
The drumming started to play in my chest as I gripped the back of his shirt in my fists, squeezing my arms around him tightly as I tried to ground myself and prevent the panic from spreading.

I knew my lips were swollen because they hurt, I am sure my cheeks were red because I felt heat. My hair was a mess and I was looking totally dumb.

In one swift movement, he grabbed my waist and put me on the bed. He took both my wrists in his hand and pinned me down, preventing any chances of movement with the press of his heavy body on me. The sheets rustled under his clumsy shifts to adjust himself between my legs, nudging them apart and up, putting my mind in question, how many times he had done this before, how he could be so smooth in this. My silly shirt went up in the movement, touching his clothed stomach and at the same time, I realized how quickly our dick hardened just by touching each other's. It was really embarrassing for me to stay quiet but he absentmindedly turned his thoughts to words, making this hell embarrassing for both of us." Wow.." he could look away, or say something else but what can I expect from his - ill processing mind. 
I shut my eyes close, and deepened my head into the pillow. Like this was an opportunity Seokjin attacked my neck, bit and kissed leaving a surprisingly greedy moan through my mouth.

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