15. Marry me

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I got up in the morning, my body was aching like I just worked out. I yawned and stretched my body to ease my muscles. I felt different. Even I was on a different bed, my bed. I got up hastily to see myself in the mirror.

I was right.

I got my body back.

Same handsome face, broad shoulders, clothes?? Why was I, I mean Taehyung sleeping in office clothes?


The realization hit me like a wave, bringing with it a pang of sadness. I couldn't bear the thought of him marrying that clingy girl, though it was not her fault, but whenever she tried to touch Taehyung's body, Jealousy took me over. Rubbing my face in frustration, I headed for a warm shower to soothe my aching body.

Thinking, even Taehyung must have gotten his body back, a different type of feeling took over me. This will be the first time after a long I will see him in his body from close. I wanted to see him. I couldn't hide my excitement. I got ready and headed towards the office not before making Jungkook's and Yoongi's favorite food. It was already late. I overslept, I don't know when we got switched back. It was after afternoon.

When I reached the office, everyone acting softly with me. Giving sympathy words, courageous and motivational words. When did they start acting friendly with me, even Aida? She said she was feeling sad for me. I didn't understand.

Taehyung was not in office yet. I found Hoseok, I ran to him.
"Hobi ah" Even before I could ask him anything he hugged me.
"I am sorry, Jin Hyung"
I released a hug hurriedly, "Why? What happened?"
He breathed out, a little bit dramatically, "You don't know?"

"What I don't know?" Now my patience is testing me.
"Boss is getting married," He said.
Realization took over me, I remember the last night. I was the one who told Dad that I was ready for marriage. I know all the concepts of him getting married. I need to talk with him. But when I heard the next word from Hobi's mouth my universe scattered


What the hell? This can't be happening.

"No, this is not possible," I said shaking my head fervently.

"I know, I know Jin Hyung. I understand, in fact not only me but everyone is. It's painful for you to hear this news. But this is what it is. And we all are with you" Hoseok consoled me, clutching my hand in his.

"What do you mean, everyone understands?" I mumbled looking everywhere.

"Of course we know how much you love him. We know how your heart used to beat for him. And how you used to tell everybody, that he is yours and only yours. But as Boss is now going to marry someone else, it's shocking for us as well"

I? When I?... ohh...Taehyung used to say, I am his?

I looked at Hobi, "I want to see him"

"Don't Jin Hyung. You won't be able to see him getting married to someone else" He said worriedly

"Hobi Please, I need to talk with him. It's urgent"

He sighed looking at his wrist, "It's already late hyung. I was invited too, but I didn't go"

It's already late? This is not possible in any universe for Taehyung to get married without me. I moved my step quickly, not wasting a single step. I heard Hobi calling me from behind, I didn't stop. I took out the car from the parking lot and called Yoongi while driving towards Taehyung's home.


"Hyung? You switched back?"

Yoongi my best friend, my soulmate, my brother. Just one word I let out and he understood I was talking. In fact he already knew, the person who was living with them was not me. He had suspicions already but the day when Taehyung and Jungkook had arguments, Yoongi was certain. That day when Taehyung was missed, when I was calling him madly, I told Yoongi the truth.

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