Elite Class Prick || Starscream x femme

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Y/n = Your name || N/n = Your nickname || M/c = Main color || S/c = Secondary/other colors || O/c = Optic color || F/n = Friend name

Setting: Before the war, gladiator fighting is still fairly new.
Other: Not a romantic story. Technically is the same character/story as in every other one-shot except, "More than Friends," with Knockout.

Y/n is a low-caste construction worker, but is a little higher than others in that she is a construction and mining supervisor. The workers below her tend to like her, since Y/n chooses to help and get her servos dirty rather than watch and command. Megatronus is one of the workers under her supervision.

IMPORTANT: This contains very little Starscream, mostly just character development and introduction for Y/n before the war (the normal Y/n for non-requests).

Starscream stuff is at the end.


     I was in the Iacon Hall of Records, walking along the shelves in awe. F/n convinced me to let him cover my shift in the mines, so that I could see Iacon. Supposedly I'd love it. And boy was F/n right.

     I looked at all the data pads, displaying different books. Currently I was in the nonfiction section, looking specifically at books studying Cybertronian Biology. I noted the names of every book which stood out to me, before walking to the front, looked at shelves of data pads, and paused. I would have to buy one to download the books onto. Yeah...definitely don't have the money for that.

     I walked up to the datapad shelf and looked at the price tag. Okay...I could afford to rent a datapad, and get...one book. Only one? I smiled a little, shaking away the down feeling. At least it was something. I need to remember to thank F/n.

     I grabbed a datapad, and waited by the clerk at the front desk. As I looked at the datapad I frowned, remembering the names of all the books I had wanted to download. Well if I'm just renting the datapad, might as well only rent the book. But which one?

     As I thought, I looked up at the mech in front of me. He was downloading, like, a hundred books. I stared in awe, my optics wide. Back in Kaon, the idea of such money was unheard of. Whoever that mech is, he better never visit Kaon. He'll end up without money, and dumped somewhere in an alleyway - most likely a lifeless shell.

     Once he was finished, I rented the datapad and book, downloading the text and pulling it up on the datapad to read as I walked.

     As I left, starting to read, I felt a twinge of frustration rise in my chassis. I took a deep intake, looking up. I paused. What's going on?

     Everyone was standing to the sides of the street, and bots were peeking out of windows on the higher floors of the surrounding buildings. Everyone was watching something expectantly, voices lowered to excited whispers.

     As I stopped to watch, a platoon of soldiers made their way down the streets - on edge and clearly guarding something - or someone. As they made their way forward, I noticed a triage of seekers which were specifically assigned to guard whoever was so special. I looked at the mech behind them, squinting my optics. Who was that guy?

     I shrugged, probably a senator or something. I walked over to a glass fountain and sat down, turning my attention to the datapad to read. Suddenly the chatter quieted down the near silence, and I looked up. A couple bots were looking at me. It was near impossible to miss the disgusted look on some of their faces. But as I turned to where the senator was (currently driving down the street, and almost out of sight), none of the soldiers seemed to care.

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