Mending Stances and Second Chances

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"You sure this is wise Peter?", Karen asks, concern showing through her robotic voice. "It's yet to work and I fear you'll only stress yourself more". Peter turns to his AI and computer, in his costume, mask in his hands, already jittery and shaking. "I- I'm sure", is voice didn't sell it, his computer eliciting a set of slow and weary beeps.

He slowly slips his mask on, clapping through heavier breaths once he's done. "See, Karen, it's fine, I'm fine".

He was not fine.

In less than 15 seconds Peter's on the floor, mask on the ground next to him, hyperventilating. "Peter, remember the exercises you do with MJ and May", Karen tries to remind him, to reach out, the lack of a physical body hindering. It taking 10 minutes before Peter's grounded again, covered in sweat and a few tears. "T-thanks K, You were right", he mumbles, falling onto his side and kicking the mask away.

"Don't beat yourself down Peter, it's commendable that you try", Karen attempts to cheer, to give him a silver lining to hold onto.Peter smiles weakly, "thank you for trying Karen, but I couldn't even keep it on for 10 seconds", he mutters, head slumping further on the floor, "how am I gonna be Spider-Man now?".

The AI mimicked a loud sigh, so he'd hear her. "You shouldn't", She replies, her sharp and final answer startling him. "Maybe it's time for you to be Peter Parker and only Peter Parker", she softens, suggesting as she brings up some quiet background music, to fill the silent void, "Give yourself time to heal, to be ready again".

Back to sitting on the floor, resting his back on the side of his bed, Peter frowns, clearly frustrated even to the AI. "Peter, I know you're disappointed, but if you look at your phone you might be surprised". She had to throw him a curveball to distract him. Peter looks at his computer confused, non the less reaching for his phone on his nightstand. A notification from an unknown number on his lock screen. Peter couldn't help but smile and text back once he saw who.



‏Hello Peter Parker

‏This is Loki Friggason, I received your number and your parchment


Mr Loki!

You texted me!

So nice to talk to you again!

(Loki wouldn't admit anything, ever, but he felt reassured when Peter responded quickly, happy to hear from him)


‏Fascinating talking to you again young mortal


Do you need to talk about anything?

Or do you just want to chat?

Both are good


‏No, I won't bother


You're never a bother Mr Loki

Anything, any questions or plans or whatever



‏"In that case. I was wondering more specifically what you meant by 'actively do nice things for them


I meant like making them food, like breakfast

Or if they do chores around the tower, to help them with them

A year to Remember. Part 2, the InternshipWhere stories live. Discover now