Your going to be fine

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(Gabriella's pov)

I woke up feeling empty like something's missing. Oh right Pablo. Sebastian kept crying last night so I didn't get much sleep, he misses his dad I know that.
I texted Joao that I'd be here since he has a match in Madrid. Until he leaves I'll come back home, hopefully he settles things he f*cked up. Right now I'm getting Sebastian ready for the day and me.
This is what we wore

This is what we wore

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We then headed to the restaurant where me and Joao will meet

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We then headed to the restaurant where me and Joao will meet. I just needed someone to talk to and trusted. He also said he had some news. I parked the car and unbuckled Sebastian's car seat then headed in where i saw Joao already waiting.

" Hey i hope I'm not late" i said hugging him
" nah your not I'm just early didn't want you to wait"
"Are you okay you look tired" he asked
"Um no not really i had an argument with Pablo and it led me to leave and come here" 
"We'll what happened maybe i can help" he said as he reached for my hand across the table.
I then explained everything to him and he looked shocked.
"He should never treat you like that i mean i get fútbol is hard but i mean you have a responsibility as a mom he should get that"
"Yeah and that's why i left if he meant it then he should be really happy right now" i sighed
"We'll I don't think he meant it he was probably just mad but i say keep your distance for now"
"Yeah i guess but it looked like he meant it"
"Don't worry your going to be fine I'll always be their for you you know that"
"Yeah i know and i love you for it thank for listening to me"
"Yeah ofc always but i have some news aswell"
"What is it"
"We'll I transfered to Barcelona and i was going to surprise you tomorrow but change of plans" he laughed
"Wow Joao I'm so happy for you you'll be closer now" I said as i got up to hug him

With that we ate and left, we took a stroll and talked until the sun went down. As I arrived to the hotel I saw a familiar face. Oh great. It was Pedri what was he doing here.

"Did Pablo send you to come find me"

"Um no I did, your still sharing your location from  the first time you asked where camp nou was"  he chuckled nervously
"We'll what do you want"
"I need you to come back I mean Pablo is not good I know it's only been two days but he's bad he doesn't even get out bed or eat, he says he won't do nothing until your in his arms agian I'm not saying give him a second chance but let him explain is all I'm saying"
"Pedri let me handle this I get that he is suffering but so am I,I mean do you even know what he said to me"
"Yeah I do but all I'm saying is just talk to him please take your time though"
"Okay I will thank you for checking in me I guess"
"Always i care about you" he said hugging me.

I went inside the hotel and set Sebastian for his nap. Everything was perfect a week ago,it's kind of sad how everything can change in one second. As I was looking out the window a heard my phone buzz then ring. When I reached for phone I saw it was Pablo calling me. I wanted to decline but something told me to answer so I did.

"Amor is that youu" he slurred
"Are you drunk really Pablo" I scoffed
"Mee noo I'm just home"
"Why are you calling me" i said sternly
"I need you I'm so very sorry I didn't mean it amor I love you without you or Sebastian I'm nothing come back please I need you I'd risk my career for you"
" no don't say anything I know I messed up I just needed to hear your voice hermosa"
" Pablo i need time to think but I'll be back to talk tomorrow, for now you need to rest"
"Mhmm I love youu"

I then hung up thinking drunk thoughts are sober thoughts. I don't know what I feel right now I feel sadness but sympathy. I packed my bags so I could just leave tomorrow without worry. The next morning I got up and checked out of the hotel. I'm finally going home.


After hours of driving I was home. when I opened the door I saw hungover Pablo sleeping on the couch . I guess it's time to talk I really don't want to. After and hour of unpacking I heard Pablo come up the stairs.

"Gabby is that you" he said coming into the room
"Um yeah"
"Can we um talk please"
"I just wanted to say I'm so sorry I made a mistake yelling at you this whole thing was my fault I let my emotions out in you and j shouldn't have I love you I could never live without you I need you without you I'm nothing I'm just lost two days without you made me realize I am a shi*tty boyfriend and father to you both and-" he said crying . I've never seen him like this before.
"Pablo don't ever say your a sh*tty father or boyfriend you are great at both things we all make mistakes what you said wasn't right but I love you and forgave you a long time ago yeah we have are ups and downs but I love you to much to hate you" I say cupping his face wiping his tears.
"I know but I am I can't even play fútbol right and that's my job everything is going down bad and it all my fault maybe I'm not good enough for you"
" that's not true don't speak so negative about yourself I'm here and will always be by your side"
" I love you I promise I'll be better especially for Sebastian I want to be by his side"
" and i Love you"

I'm so glad and relived that we are not fighting anymore. I hope that this argument lead to an agreement of adulting. Pablo then went up to our rom and fell asleep in my arms.

"I'm so glad I have you in my arms agian" he mumbles as he kisses my neck
"me to amor"

Thank you for reading 🤍 feel free to comment ideas I would appreciate it. Have a good day 🫶🏽

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1108 words

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