A day of sorrow and despair

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To those of you who are sensitive to emotional scenes I'm warning you now </3

The room that the pair had entered was dimly lit by a few lights strung low from the ceiling. Flowers of both real and fake varieties sat on tables and hung on the walls. The walls had a warm, fall themed floral pattern. Amongst the oak tables, and chairs lined with red fleece, sat a small, oak box. The interrior of the box was hollow, lined with cotton and memory foam padding. On the padding sat a small, white, fluffy ball of fur. The small fluffy creature was actually Bibi's old pet rabbit. On the side of the small box, or the coffin, said, "Snowball Reden". Around Snowball's coffin were many flowers, such as White tulips, or Lily of the Valleys. The one flower that mainly caught Amy's eyes was the White Egret Orchid standing proudly above Snowball's coffin. 

"My thoughts will follow you into your dreams.." Amy muttered quietly, though was snapped out of her thoughts by Bibi closely hugging to her arm. Amy looked over to Bibi, who was trying her hardest to hold back the tears she'd been fighting back. Amy tried to crack a smile as she gently placed a palm onto Bibi's left cheek. Bibi noticed this, and sniffled lightly as she leaned more comfortably into Amy.

"It's okay to cry, Bibi.." Amy whispered to Bibi, who nodded her head in response.

"I-I know..I just can't let him see me like this.." Bibi said between sniffles, and was soon joined by Amy. They were both fighting back their urge to burst into tears while looking towards the coffin. Bibi gave a light cough as she walked over to one of the tables to grab a couple of tissues, and after cleaning her own face, walked over to Amy to dab the tears from her eyes. Amy gave a gentle, warming smile as Bibi dabbed the napkin at her eyes and cheeks.

"Thank you.." Amy gently brought Bibi into a warm embrace, only then was she picked up bridal style by her girlfriend. Bibi's eyes were still dull with tears, but she smiled brightly and planted numerous kisses on Amy's face, thus causing Amy to fluster and kiss Bibi's back with a short fit of laughter. It was the moments like these where Amy made her happiest, where Bibi felt like the most special girl in the world.

"Alright, the time of tears is over! We're gonna have a bad day but we're at least going to smile through it!" Bibi tried to reassuringly say, which earned her a good laugh from Amy. 

"Ahaha! Alright, Bibi, that's alright with me!" Amy gave a wide grin, and managed to get out of Bibi's arms as soon as a man in a suit entered the room. He had long black hair tied into a long ponytail low on his head, and his suit was black as well. He nodded to the two girls.

"Are visitations over?" The man quietly asked, and was responded with nods from Amy and Bibi.

"I see. Well, best we get going." The man said before slowly closing the lid on the coffin. He wrapped his arms around the small box before carrying it outside of an emergency exit door, and to a black car.

im lazy as hell and im not doing the whole funeral because theres just crying and more crying and failed comforting i uh. theres gonna be fluff in the next chapter i promise

you guys will get lesbian cuddles

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