A picnic under the stars

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After the two had arrived back at Bibi's house after the funeral, both Amy and Bibi were drained of all emotions and their energy. Amy stopped at the doorstep to take off her shoes. After she had kicked off her shoes she stepped inside and placed them on the small shoe rack placed neatly next to the door.

"I always liked how neat and warm you keep it here.." Amy said softly, trying to brighten the rather dull mood in the room.

"I try my best. It's a big house and I'm just one girl." Bibi smiled at Amy's compliment, walking over to her and leaving a small kiss on the girl's cheek. Amy gave a soft giggle, returning the gesture of affection to Bibi.

"That reminds me! I have a surprise for you!" Amy chimed up, leaving Bibi a bit awestruck. Usually she was the one who had surprises for the other, it seems the tables turned for today. Amy motioned for Bibi to wait at the door. The black haired girl made a run for the kitchen, and after the rustling of what seemed to be a paper bag and the sound of a cloth being folded, Amy came back holding a wooden basket and a pink and black plaid blanket.

"How do you feel about a late night picnic?" Amy asked, which left Bibi blushing slightly and smiling wide. Bibi gave a joyous fit of laughter as she threw herself into Amy, peppering her face with numerous kisses and nose nuzzles.

"Awwwh! Amy, this is so sweet! I'd love to!~" Bibi enthusiastically said, grabbing her girlfriend's available hand and dragging her outside. They both already had on jackets, so having their own source of warmth wasn't a worry.

~~ After setting up the picnic in Bibi's backyard~~

The stars shimmered high in the black sky like glitter. Even the moon was full tonight, which added even more to this moment. Bibi had been sitting across from Amy as the two talked about this and that as they ate the snacks Amy had prepared beforehand. (Apples with Caramel dip, Sandwiches, ETC.) Bibi had glanced up at the stars for a moment, only to pull her attention back to Amy. It was just now that Bibi's smile faded and her face turned a deep shade of red. Despite her comfortable attire, Amy looked adorable here. Dim glowing fairy-lights lined the fence of the backyard, which made the scene look warmer than reality. Seeing the light from both the moon and the fairy-lights combine with one another as they were cast upon Amy made Bibi realize how perfect this picnic was. Amy had put her heart into making these really good sandwiches, and the way she had cut the apples. Bibi had noticed the band-aids all over Amy's fingers that after noon, and after puzzling the pieces together, Bibi gave a gentle sigh.

"You didn't have to cut the apples by yourself, dork." Bibi smiled as she stared dreamily at her girlfriend. Amy gave a somewhat startled "hm?" as she looked back at Bibi from the stars. She took a minute to catch what Bibi said, and waved her hands in a no worries gesture.

"I wanted to keep it a surprise! Knowing you, you would have pressured me into telling you why I wanted sliced apples." Amy responded, gently biting into an aforementioned apple slice with caramel dip drizzled on top. Bibi sighed and scooted closer to Amy, grabbing one of her hands and holding it to her mouth. Bibi gently traced a finger across the band-aids on the girl's hand.

"And I appreciate that but...You hurt yourself trying to do something you didn't have to.." Bibi muttered, though was stopped by a frowning amy who let out a huge puff of air.

"It's not that I had to! I wanted to surprise you, accidentally hurting myself was just a small price to pay to surprise you!" Amy chimed, causing a bright smile to cloud Bibi's gentle frown.

"Oh you!" Bibi called out, giggling as she tackled Amy to the ground, once again smothering Amy's face with kisses.

"ouf! B-Bibi! Bwaha! St-Stop! That tickles!" Amy sputtered between laughs and stutters, smiling wide as she tried to return these pecks of affection. Though her smile faded as Bibi's smile grew.

"Tickles?" Bibi said with a haunting tone, causing Amy to regret what she'd just said.

"Bibi, no-" But Amy was cut off by a roar of laughter erupting from her voice box. She squirmed and giggled, trying to playfully shove Bibi off of her. The tickling games have begun! Bibi gave a delighted grin at this as her hands danced along Amy's sides, slowly coming to a stop as soon as Amy began to run out of breath.

"I love youu!~" Bibi said with a wide smile, causing Amy to smile as well.

"I love you too, jerk!" Amy joked, wrapping her arms around Bibi's neck as the two shared a loving kiss. Bibi had pulled apart from the kiss and laid her head down onto Amy's chest.

"Sleepy?" Amy asked, gently petting the blonde's hair. It was soft and silky to the touch. Bibi gently nodded as she tightened her arms around Amy's body. Amy gave a slight squeak but smiled softly.

"Very...can we go inside?" Bibi yawned, opening one of her eyes to look at Amy. She was once again met with such a sight from the fairy lights and the moon.

"Of course we can." Amy smiled softly and peppered Bibi's face with kisses, giggling as Bibi returned the kisses. Soon after the two had finished their moment of giggles and kisses, they both got up and began gathering the food basket and the blanket.

"Hey...Thank you for this. I love you a lot, Amy." Bibi had spoken softly as she stepped over to Amy. All Amy could do was nod and furiously blush as Bibi quipped these words into her ear.

"I-I love you too, Bibi..." Amy quietly chirped.

~~~~~~ After getting inside and prepared for beddd ~~~~~~~

Amy was laying down in the huge bed, humming as she flipped through a book. She was enjoying the silence until her favorite person came running into the room. Amy was delighted until she'd noticed Bibi's clothing. 

"Oh Amyyy!~ I'm ready for bed!~" Bibi chimed, scrambling into the bed next to her tomato girlfriend. How the hell did Bibi make a tummy crop-top and sweatpants a bit big on her go so well together??? Amy pushed these thoughts aside and clung onto Bibi, pulling the thick comforter over the blonde.

"At least get warm and cozy under here, or you'll get sick." Amy mumbled, still clinging to her girlfriend.

"Who needs a comforter when I have an all natural portable heater? :3"

I love you.. (Amy x Bibi)Where stories live. Discover now